Hard-left ideologues have been trying to target children for a long time in order to influence the next generation while they are young, naive and easily manipulated, Zerohedge.com pointed out . The latest experiment is a new camp in Portland, Oregon, with 4th-8th graders. grade students can take part in sessions on transformative justice, reflecting on white supremacy and black as resistance, among others.

The cultural justice summer camp is run by a group called Budding Roses, which was founded as part of the Black Rose Anarchist Foundation. In the camp, 4-8. grade students can participate.

During the Budding Roses camp, students participate in online and camp classes such as:

  • black as resistance - for children. In class, kids learn all about white colonialism, anti-blackness, self-defense, and more.
  • Abolishing the police: what would a world without police be like?
  • Transformative justice: victims of injustice talk about their grievances and demand reparations
  • Reflecting on white supremacy: learn about the original sins of whiteness! says the invitation. Students can become familiar with terms such as white supremacy, privilege, and intersectionality.

And the list goes on.

Lessons taught as part of the woke curriculum are usually based on flawed logic, misinterpretation of history, and often lies

- writes Zerohedge.

the rest of the article by CLICKING HERE .

Photo: Zerohedge