CitizenGO launched a protest petition against the efforts of the World Health Organization (WHO), which tries to undermine the main fact that defines people. According to the information of the conservative interest protection organization, the WHO has announced that it will update its guidelines on gender.

A new version of Gender Mainstreaming for Health Leaders: A Practical Approach, a handbook used by health professionals worldwide, would state that gender identity exists continuously and that biological sex is not limited to male or female.

According to CitizenGO, the changes the World Health Organization is trying to implement and promote are based on unscientific ideologies and ignore basic biological facts, namely that the human sex is made up of men and women. They emphasize that most scientists do not agree with the WHO's aspirations.

According to the famous biologist Colin Wright, the new manual of the world organization may open the door to a dangerous precedent:

I think it is very dangerous that gender ideology and gender spectrum pseudoscience has infected a global health body. Distorting reality in medicine can have extremely disastrous consequences.

Dr. Karleen Gribble, an expert in nursing and obstetrics at the University of Western Sydney, also called the changes planned by the WHO unscientific. As he said

"the statement that there is more than one gender besides male and female is troubling, as there is no new scientific evidence that more than two do not exist."

In connection with this, they also touched on the fact that the WHO is increasingly trying to promote ideas that dehumanize people. For example, their recent abortion guidelines state that abortion is a basic health service and that access to abortion care is a human right, and that denying it is an abuse of women.

In addition, they sided with the radical pro-abortion demands that abortion pills can be ordered over the phone or on the Internet without a doctor's visit, and that surgical abortions can also be performed by non-medical professionals.

Source: Hungarian Nation

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