Pax tv produced a 12-part series in which organizations and activists working on behalf of conceived but unwanted children, their goals and methods were presented. With their approval, we will also publish the 12 episodes, the first being the conversation with Edit Frivaldszky, director of the Center for Human Dignity.

In 2020, 85,000 babies were born in Hungary, but more than 20,000 were not born. So many mothers and families found themselves in such a difficult situation that they could not or did not want to accept the arrival of the little life they had conceived. The right to make this difficult and lifelong decision belongs to the mother, but the responsibility is not only hers, but also the father's, the family's, their wider environment's, and even the entire society's, that is, all of us's.

The host of the series, Ildikó Antal-Ferencz, talks to representatives of organizations and communities that deal with families and mothers in such trouble, and whose goal is to change social attitudes.

Source: Pax TV

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