The left is not giving up on the idea of ​​a congestion charge. Now Máté Kanász-Nagy, the co-chairman of the LMP, has developed this further, and with the help of smart devices, he advocates an "intelligent congestion charge" in Budapest that follows the movement of the car. And in the event that the driver gets into a traffic jam - either because the road has been opened or there is an accident - the amount of the congestion charge will also increase, so a higher amount would have to be paid. The co-president of the LMP, Máté Kanász-Nagy, outlined his ideas in Spirit FM's Ökoóóra program.

"We are also talking about an intelligent congestion charge, which means that smart devices can measure and see who is using the car and where in the city, and where the degree of traffic jams increases, congestion is increasing, the congestion charge goes up there... Where there is congestion , but you really have to pay there. And those who can't buy these smart devices, can't use them for some reason, can pay, say, a monthly fee or a flat fee as appropriate."

It is important to note that the introduction of such a measure in the capital led by Gergely Karácsony - where traffic jams are directly caused - would mean that car users would be taxed to death.

Regarding the introduction of the congestion charge, Milán Pálfalvi, an analyst at the Nézőpont Institute, also pointed out to the Magyar Nemzet question earlier, while the left refers to the improvement of the quality of life when demanding the introduction of the congestion charge in the parliament, it would actually only collect serious money from motorists.

So the only benefit of the congestion charge is that the left-wing city administration gets money from the people. THE LEFT PLAYS THE SELF-APPOINTED SOCIAL ENGINEER WHEN THEY TRY TO PUSH THE CAR PEOPLE OUT OF THE CITY WITH A FACE, HOWEVER, THIS DOES NOT MEET THE WILL OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE - emphasized Milán Pálfalvi.

However, a two-thirds majority is needed to accept the proposal advocated by the left, but the ruling party representatives will not vote for such a restrictive measure.

Source: Origo/MTI/MN

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