On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of Zoltán Fábry's birth this year, he is remembered with the title "Vox Humana"

Zoltán Fábry died on May 31, 1970 as the honorary president of Csemadok. He was one of the most significant figures of Hungarian literature and public life in Slovakia. He remained in his native land the whole time, "wedging himself into the forests of the Gömör-Szepesi ore complex surrounded by pines" in his native village of Stósz. He was born on August 10, 1897. The Zoltán Fábry Public and Literary Days are held every year in honor of his memory on the weekend close to his birthday.

After the ceremonial opening of the Zoltán Fábry Public Days August  13,  Dr. Dr. László Máté Kassa.

With the title "The Stósz Hermit and the Nation" dr. Katalin Szili, the prime minister's representative, remembers Budapest.

László Bukovszky , the government commissioner responsible for national minorities, will give a presentation from Bratislava under the title "We counted, population census 2021"

Márton Péti,  PhD, from the National Strategic Research Institute, gives a lecture on Budapest entitled "The future vision of Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin"

Afterwards, a ceremonial wreathing of the bust of Zoltán Fábry will take place in Szepsi, on the wall of the former Csemadok building, and then the participants will go to the Stósz commemoration to pay tribute to the work of Zoltán Fábry, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of his birth .

After the wreath-laying, you will also have the opportunity to visit the memorial museum, where you can remember the career of Zoltán Fábry.

The next day, August 14 , Sunday, a bus tour with the title "Historical Homeland" will be organized in historic Sáros and Szepesség.

Source: Felvidek.ma

Photo: Péter Kolár