Although no one has been convicted of treason in the last ten years, the terms traitor and national traitor are also used in heated political debates for persons who are believed not to be acting in the interest of their constituents, Jr. said . Zoltán Lomnici for the Hungarian Nation. Gergely Karácsony's statement was recently made public. Századvég's legal expert emphasized: not only the mayor, but the entire left has been going against the interests of our country for years.

Gergely Karácsony's opposition to Hungarian interests is not new, said Mr. Zoltán Lomnici. It is known: a video of the mayor was recently leaked, in which he thought he was negotiating with the mayor of Kyiv, Vitaly Klitschko. In the recording, Karácsony talked about, among other things, pushing for the European Commission to blackmail our country with EU funds, if we do not support the sanctions.

Századvég's legal expert reminded: In 2020 Gergely Karácsony, together with the mayor of Warsaw and a total of 249 Hungarian and Polish municipalities, wrote to the leaders of the European Union that the Orbán government has taken Hungary captive and is shackles the crisis management of the whole of Europe with a veto policy without authorization. - The purpose of this was largely to ensure that, if and when the EU and Hungary cannot agree on the sums due from the recovery fund, the local governments can receive it directly, he said.

At the same time, the constitutional lawyer also recalled that in 2018, the EP representatives of the domestic left-liberal opposition voted - with the clear support of the Hungarian left - for the acceptance of the so-called Sargentini report, i.e. the political ultimatum addressed to Hungary by the European Parliament and provided with reasons.

The full article of Magyar Nemzet can be read here.

Picture: Attila Trenka