A public notice from one of the Transcarpathian micro-regions appears on the social network, according to which people of great merit can watch the performances of the Sapitó circus in the tent of the traveling circus in the coming days.

You look at the colorful, cheerful poster and you get a strange feeling, what a surreal situation, since tens of thousands are fleeing to us through the region, and further through us, while the men are hiding so that they don't have to receive the Zelensky summons handed out, then a circus of merriment , promises unclouded entertainment for young and old in that part of Ukraine, where the wind of war death has only reached a very small extent, but you can already feel the pungent, nauseating smell of ammunition and corpses stinking in the summer heat in the air.

The soul divers say that one of the most effective methods in such emergency situations is the "we only live for the sake of it" strategy, because it partly neutralizes the increasingly dark image of life in the soul, and brings both children and adults back to the normal world with colors and cheerfulness.

that's why the cabarets and locales worked until their nails were torn during the wars, in order to keep the spirit in people, since the will to live is more important than anything else.

So the circus pitches a tent in Transcarpathia for a few days, the little ones can enthusiastically ask how daddy gets that big elephant into the lion's den, and meanwhile they can't even think with their naive childish self what kind of truth they are asking, since a bloody animal fight is going on above their heads, in which bears, lions, dragons, elephants and donkeys fall on each other, while real-life dads and moms and children die in heaps in an increasingly tragic circus. Of course, all this does not matter to the animals with big appetites, for them the acquisition of property is more important than anything else, since extracting all the energy from the earth, from people, is such an animal good thing, since this is what they have been doing with us for centuries, wherever we live in the world.

Source: velvidek.ma/internet

Source: velvidek.ma/internet

We can only hope that this kind of circus does not reach here, among our Hungarian brothers and sisters, to destroy everything that Transcarpathia has built as part of Hungary over a thousand and one hundred years.

This is what I am asking for on behalf of all of us, and in the meantime I am wondering what the Sapitó Circus clown might look like on stage? He's probably not wearing a military green T-shirt, although that would be authentic.

God bless the soul-healing stage master, animal tamer, artist, musician, prop, animal caretaker, so the whole traveling circus, both human and animal. God bless the Sapitó clown, even if we adults see that under his heavily painted red smile, his mouth curls up to cry from time to time. We wish them a lot of strength to keep the spirit in children and adults.

Source: Sándor Papp/Felvidék.ma

Featured image: Pikist.com