We, Hungarians, owe our Carpathian country, our faith and our culture, that is, everything in a historical sense, to our king who founded the Christian state, said László Kövér, the President of the Parliament, in Zselíz, Slovakia, where he opened the folk art festival.

On the eve of the holiday on August 20, the Speaker of the House also touched on the following in the village in the highlands: "we have every reason to bow our heads with gratitude to the memory of our first king."

He emphasized: we had such a great need for agreement and cooperation in the Carpathian Basin in the past, as in the times ahead. The most important issue in his speech was that the " source of danger threatening nations " has changed. course of history has changed in the entire Western world, including in Europe and the Carpathian Basin, because in recent decades, as a result of the concentration of capital and technology, powers outside and above states that assert private interests have been organized and risen globally, which want to eliminate nation-states throughout the Western world.

The speaker assessed as follows:

For Europe, all this means that the private global powers, which are typically outside of Europe, want to transform the European Union into a United States of Europe, into a federation, even more into an empire, in which all current EU national states - including Slovakia and Hungary - would completely lose their self-determination and freedom of action .

All this, according to him, with the aim of private powers permanently and exclusively acquiring the material and intellectual resources of the member states.

Today and in the times ahead, the nations of the Carpathian Basin will therefore either win the future together or lose their country, state and identity, everything they have acquired in the past, he declared.

László Kövér emphasized that national states have only one effective self-defense weapon against the financial power of globalism: the retaining and creative power inherent in national identity. And the universality of European Christian culture is " reflected " in the identity of European nations, as well as the mother tongue, the homeliness of the homeland, and the folk art that gives the noblest self-expression of the people's spirit.

He said: this year's Hungarian folk art festival in the highlands is therefore an event of European importance, because it is the purest and most sincere expression of the soul of a Central European national community, the Hungarians living in Slovakia. The current meeting announces for the fifty-sixth time that "the Hungarians from the highlands are loyal and value-creating citizens of Slovakia, at the same time loyal members of the culturally unified and indivisible Hungarian nation, and not incidentally self-conscious European citizens".

László Kövér also emphasized: they trust that in the future the members and leaders of the Hungarian party association in Slovakia will also " do their part of the work " and that they will soon be able to represent the interests of the Hungarians in the Uplands again in the Bratislava parliament. The vote of Hungarian voters in the Uplands is essential for success in the upcoming local and county municipal elections. The Speaker of the House asked the Hungarians of the Uplands to help Hungarian politics win in Slovakia.

The speaker thought:

" decisive struggles await the European nations. " In this fight, we Hungarians want to count on the Slovak nation and the Slovak politics responsible for its nation, just as Slovakia can count on Hungary ."


Photo: Tibor Illyés | Source: MTI