The key to the future is "preserving our ability to act", because only an educated, qualified person can take care of himself, his loved ones and his community, said the minister responsible for culture and innovation at the Vocational Training Center in Székesfehérvár on Tuesday.

János Csák called the Ministry of Culture and Innovation "the ministry of future capabilities" at the opening ceremony of the national vocational training school year and stated:

"since you can't know what the future will bring, "one thing we can do is prepare for circumstances to change".

A smart person always tries to preserve his ability to act, which is nothing more than the maintenance of our physical, mental and spiritual strength, and the key to everything is learning, said the minister.

János Csák said that the vocational education system was radically transformed by the government in recent years in order to create an inspiring and inspiring environment that promotes the most effective learning and education.

He added,

the Hungarian state ensures the acquisition of two professions and one vocational qualification for free for everyone. There are 508 vocational training institutions in Hungary, where more than 250,000 students study

János Csák said.

According to the minister, the government has created a system that anonymously tracks each student's career, where they work, how much they earn and what additional training they attend. All this helps the government to flexibly transform the curriculum if necessary, he added.

János Csák also called it important that vocational training and the economy have a living, organic relationship with each other, which is why dual training was started; 181 professions are currently being taught, and 110,000 students receive scholarships.