The affected species became extinct almost four hundred thousand years ago
Photo: AFP/Mehanem Kahana

Israel's new archaeological sensation has emerged near a kibbutz. The 2.5-meter ancient elephant tusk could only be excavated with extreme caution.

The depths of the earth served an unexpected surprise at a kibbutz near Gedera Yediót Ahronót newspaper, Ynet, announced on Wednesday As the organ reported, researchers from Tel-Aviv and Ben-Gurion Universities jointly found the 2.5-meter tusk of a straight-tusked elephant species that died out almost four hundred thousand years ago.

the Israel Archeology Authority (IAA), said that it was a serious challenge to completely remove the fragile find from the ground, because it could shatter if it was exposed to the air. Therefore, conservation of the tusk began in the field, which was later continued in the laboratories of the IAA.

Elephants appeared in the region roughly one and a half million years ago. According to the archaeologists, at that time the affected area was swampy, with more precipitation than today, and its animal world was considered to be particularly rich. Early man also settled near the site of the elephant remains, but it is not yet clear whether he hunted the animal in question. If so, then our ancestors could have eaten its meat quickly and in large groups, because it could not last long in the dry and hot climate.
