"From the very beginning, I was of the position that our natural gas supply cannot be an ideological issue," stated Péter Szijjártó in a major interview with atv.hu. He also asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade about the energy crisis, Paks and the accusations against our country from the West.
In response to a question about the relationship between Gazprom and our country, Péter Szijjártó underlined that "for the time being, we are the country in Europe that is perhaps the best prepared for the extremely difficult period that is partly ahead of us, and partly we are already in it".
The head of the ministry reminded: "I was of the position from the beginning that our natural gas supply cannot be an ideological issue". As he put it: "the purchase of natural gas or the origin of natural gas is not a political position, but a hard, vitally physical reality.
It is possible to manufacture ideologies, but it is not yet possible to fuel them with ideology." He added: "they can call Gazprom whatever they want, if this is the price to keep people warm".
When asked by atv whether it would be a political balloon that our country buys the most expensive gas in Europe, the head of the ministry said: "I cannot tell you the price formula included in the contract because it is business information, the leakage of which could cause damage in the appropriate case." As the head of the ministry explained, for example, he doesn't know how much "others pay, just as others have no idea how much we pay. And those who say that Hungary buys it the most, have no idea."
He added: "but tell us a figure for how much we buy it for, how much the others buy it for, and then we'll see if it's true. So the whole thing is nonsense because these people who say such things have not yet seen a contract for the purchase of natural gas.”
As he explained: it is not by chance that everyone treats natural gas purchase contracts confidentially, because they are about huge sums of money, and everyone is trying to achieve the best position.
I can say one thing, of course I saw what we concluded in September last year, and I also saw what was concluded in '94. Now, the two price formulas are not even in the same category, the current one is so much more favorable. So the two are very far apart."
Speaking about the expected development of energy prices, the head of the ministry underlined: "Today there is no international energy market, but there is such a fairground, where somewhere at some point there is gas or there is not, and the price is not established today on a commercial basis, but on a completely independent, war logic Based on. Unfortunately, this has to be seen.”
the full interview with Péter Szijjártó of atv.hu by clicking here !
Source: Mandarin
Opening image: MTI/EPA/Pool/John Thys