It is distorted and irresponsible to count trees in the same category as forest trees, which can be planted in public areas and have been trained at least twice, the recognized expert warned the mayor.

The mayor reported on his Facebook page that he had visited "the Tahi Nursery, which is 100 percent owned by Főkert, where the trees of the future of Budapest are growing", and then stated in a comment:

"in the first half of the cycle, we planted more trees than Tarlós during its entire cycle".

However, his claim was refuted by József Szabó, the former general manager of Főkert , who said: "it would not be good if a responsible city manager were to state untruths, so allow me to partially clarify". "Unfortunately, the person who informed me about this tree planting data either made a big mistake, reported numbers to the city administration in an unprofessional and therefore misleading way for laymen, or was not a professional, but rather a marketer, because this statement is simply and factually not true!" - emphasized the recognized specialist.

He explained: "I assume that no one, not a single professional, considers the free-rooted forest saplings and saplings planted by the forestry method to be "trees", i.e. equal and comparable to politicians, who can say greater and more than counting. Counting trees that can be planted on public land, complying with regulations and standards, i.e., at least 2x schooled ground ball trees or park trees, in one category, as equivalent to forestry trees with a maximum height of half a meter, will only result in a very distorted and at the same time irresponsible and unprofessional comparison."

The former head of the Főkert pointed out that the post also incorrectly states that the Főkert is the 100 percent owner of the Tahi Nursery School, since it has been more than a year since "the termination of the Főkert NZrt., an independent business company for more than a century and a half, after its merger, already BKM – Budapesti Közművek Nonprofit Zrt.”

It should be remembered that in September of last year the mayor terminated the independence of Főkert in the midst of huge protests, citing cost reduction.

merged the long-established company with the Budapest Funeral Institute, Fővárosi Kéményseprőipari Nonprofit Kft. and Főtáv into a large Budapest holding company, which was registered by the company court as Budapesti Közművek Nonprofit Zrt. on August 31, 2021.

In his campaign, Gergely Karácsony promised that a new tree would be planted in honor of every newborn in the capital (about fifteen thousand babies are born in Budapest every year), and he confirmed his promise later, as elected mayor.


Photo: Gergely Karácsony's Facebook page