Some people think that this winter will test the citizens of large Western countries so much that they will rebel against the governments that sacrifice them on the altar of the sanctions policy. It is not impossible that this will happen in some countries, but what is really important is what will happen in Germany.

If the German economy collapses - which there seems to be some chance of - the end of the European Union, the European economy, the so-called welfare societies. But the question is, how long will the Germans themselves tolerate the rampant behavior of their politicians who are pushing the world into an inflationary disaster and an energy crisis? Probably much longer than the citizens of other countries, because the Germans are disciplined, the orders they receive (do not bathe, do not heat, do not wash clothes, but ventilate, etc.) are carried out without objection. In addition, thanks to the brainwashing that has lasted for more than 70 years, they believe their constantly lying press, even if they experience the exact opposite of what is described in real life. In the old joke, the unfaithful man produced something similar when he asked his wife, “Who do you believe, my love? To what you see or to me?”

Well, the majority of Germans - we hope not for much longer - do not believe their eyes. They will probably get through the next winter, even if shivering, but with discipline, especially if they read and hear in the official press that "There is no cold, only moderately warm".

Are Germans like that? And if so, why? And how long? We expected political scientist Zoltán Kiszelly to answer the questions.