, according to the president of the Catholic League !

The president of the American Catholic League for Civil Rights wrote a note about Disney's latest transgender character. According to Bill Donohue, it is downright child abuse to teach children as young as 4-7 years old that they can change their gender at any time.

“Why does Disney, the supposedly family-friendly corporate giant, want to encourage children to reject their [birth] gender? And why isn't the media covering this story?" - asks Bill Donohue in a note from the President of the Catholic League.

The Catholic League for Civil Rights is an American Catholic organization whose stated purpose is to "protect the right of Catholics to participate in American public life without defamation or discrimination." The president of the organization has now written a note regarding Disney's latest transgender character.

In one of the episodes of the Muppet Babies series for 4-7 year olds, a character named Gonzo turns out to be transgender. Gonzo, who is a boy by the way, wants to go to the ball dressed as a princess, but the female characters tell him that according to the rules, boys must dress as knights.

Later, however, Fairy Rat transforms into a princess with the help of the Godfather, and the other characters turn to her with understanding and ask for her forgiveness. And Gonzo, who is now Gonzorella, talks about how "sometimes doing things a little differently can be fun."

According to the president of the Catholic League, this sends a clear message to children that boys can be girls at any time and vice versa, and that if someone chooses to change their gender, it is not abnormal, just "a little different" and can even be fun.

You have to call it by its name: it's child abuse

writes Bill Donohue. He adds that anyone who is aware of what gender transition means knows what a dangerous process it is and what serious physical and mental problems these children face.

The president of the Catholic League also expresses concern about how few conservatives are raising their voices against Disney's

"poisons the minds of children. "

If conservatives continue to be so reticent about these social and cultural issues, the situation will only get worse, he warns. This case, he says, is not about treating everyone with respect, but about protecting children from those who want to sexually influence them.

Source: Origo.hu

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