The Kaposvár bishopric will hold a life-saving day on October 8, to which priests, pastors, religious teachers, educators and all interested parties are warmly invited.

The event, which is open to everyone regardless of previous professional experience, is based on the three fundamental pillars of fetal protection - it discusses the issues of prevention, crisis and recovery. The organizers of the event want to help with concrete experiences and ideas so that those dedicated to the protection of life can be mediators of God's grace with their words, presence and, if necessary, practical assistance.

Source: Joppé Evangelization Center; Diocese of Kaposvár

Source: Joppé Evangelization Center; Diocese of Kaposvár

In the field of prevention, several initiatives are presented that try to promote objective information and concrete assistance. They explain what kind of approach and toolset it is advisable to start with, if, for example, they want to involve young people in abortion prevention. The "crisis" block will talk about the mental struggles of expectant mothers in trouble, their real crisis situation, and their support options. Those interested can learn about several domestic initiatives and organizations that provide specific help to expectant mothers in crisis.

The victims of fetal loss are not only the children who lose their lives in the womb, but also their environment. Whatever the reason for the loss (spontaneous miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth or even the loss of a bottle baby), you must approach those affected with empathy and love. To do this, you need to know what goes on in them during loss processing, and what assistance options are available.

The pro-life day is hosted by Ilona Keresztes. Andrea Földi-Kovács, Edit Frivaldszky, Zsuzsanna Máthé, representatives of "Youth in the Service of Life" will give a lecture; Attila Nagy and Mónika Nagyné Tóth, Márton Udvardy and Lilla Udvardyné Tóth. Father Péter Roska, Mária Kovácsné Treer, Rita Szalay, Márton Udvardy and Lilla take part in a round table discussion. András Csókay, Father Gergely Eredics and Zsuzsanna Fábián testify.

Source: Hungarian Courier

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