Excursion, during which we can see our Árpád-era churches through the eyes of an archaeologist, architect, heritage protection specialist researching a specific church

The Association of Hungarian Architects and the Heritage Management Department of the Hungarian Urban Society jointly organize a professional bus study tour . We invite those interested to discover the medieval churches of three settlements in Heves County.

Saturday , September 24F eldebr ő – V erpel é t – St. Mary of Tarna – Altar Past

Feldebrő : The church will be explained by local tour guide Gabriella Lénárt archaeological excavation leader János Kárpáti András Boros , expert in the use of laser scanning in monuments, specialist participating in the research of the church.

Roman Catholic Parish Church of St. Martin Bishop, the ancient family church of the Aba clan. Combining the culture of Western and Eastern Christianity, the sub-church with a unique architectural design is the oldest and most prominent monument in Hungary. Five naves are centrally located and show affinities with Georgian and Armenian churches.

Verpelét : János Ismerteti , leader of the archaeological excavation, expert, archaeologist participating in the archaeological research of the church.

Christ the King Roman Catholic church of medieval origin. During the restoration in 1958, under the leadership of architect Mihály Détsy, the Romanesque-style gate and three windows of the right side facade of the church were opened, in which smaller Gothic windows came to the surface, one with tendril painting. In the side walls of the bottom of the tower, there is an arcaded booth, and the vault above is of the Czech glass type. The chancel has three sections and is covered with cross vaults.

Tarnaszentmária : I know Judit M. Anda Ismerteti, leading architect, monument expert, leading designer of the former National Monuments Inspectorate, who carried out the planning of the restoration of the church.

Our Lady of Sarlós, a one-nave, east-facing, horseshoe-arched apse church from the time of the conquest. In its high-level vaulted sanctuary with a segmental donga and elongated half-domes, there is an enlarged vestibule with side apses in front of the apse.

Application [email protected]
Information : +36 20 312 5925

Source: magharakademia.hu

In our opening picture: Christ fresco in the St. Márton church in Feldbrő. Source: feldebroitemplom.hu