Our left-wing friends will probably raise their heads when they see the title and a good bit of anti-Orbán rhetoric will start in their heads, but the situation is as follows: in the European Union, Russian gas will only come to Hungary.

One of the consequences of the explosion of the North Stream is that the winter will be even more difficult for Europe, along which the war is moving in the direction of escalation.

If we take into account the Russian pipelines to Europe, it turns out: Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 were damaged, although the latter was not actually opened due to the outbreak of the war (the total capacity of the two pipelines is more than 100 billion cubic meters per year).

Meanwhile, Yamal-Europe (with a capacity of 33 billion cubic meters) is at a standstill due to the Polish-Russian settlement dispute in the spring, and the situation is similar with classic Soviet gas pipelines such as Soyuz or Testvériség, where gas is not flowing due to similar disputes between Gazprom and Naftohaz .

And Turkish Stream supplies its 31 billion cubic meters only from Russia: it is interesting that it enters the EU via Serbia via Hungary, so our country continues to be the only one of the member states to receive Russian gas.

Source. Mandarin

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