We completed the questionnaire online, collected the most interesting questions, answers, error possibilities and also what is worth paying attention to, writes the HVG
...we come to one of the problematic parts of the questionnaire, where they ask about our gender. However, here we can only choose from two options (male or female), it is not clear whether the birth gender or gender identity should be given, there is no option that someone does not want (or cannot) answer, i.e. non-binary people are forced to do so , to classify themselves in a category that does not reflect their identity.
2022Plusz: It's a good thing that our liberal friends are not in power. In fact, then the conundrum would go something like this: male or female, both, neither. Of course, both and neither would be the winning answer, so the other small letters are at the bottom of the page.
You are father and not a man vs mother and not a woman category is not included! Hurtful slander! But it's constitutional anyway!
Source and image: Napiújság.hu