According to a new Democratic bill, parents in the American state of Virginia who do not allow their child to determine their own gender identity could be sued. Democratic politician Elizabeth Guzman would expand the legal definition of child abuse to include the prohibition of children's own transgender gender identity.

"The creation of laws surrounding the "rights" of transgender people is disconcertingly similar to the concept of spectral evidence taken from the Salem witch trials," reads the article published by Zerohedge As the article notes, trans identity is a purely subjective concept with "zero concrete evidence to support it." According to the author of the article, all a person needs to do to develop a trans identity is to simply say that they now belong to a fictional gender, and the rest of the world should revolve around them.

They would judge based on unproven claims

Returning to the parallel of the witch trials, the author recalled that during mass witch hunts, it was sufficient to accept testimonies based on mere fabrications to convict people suspected of witchcraft.

"Witnesses could say that ghosts or souls told them that the accused was possessed by the devil, and the court had to accept these baseless accusations as evidence," recalled the author, who says that the determination of gender identity works similarly today.

"Similarly, under gender identity laws, a person can say they are trans and accuse others of violating their 'rights' when they refer to them using a pronoun other than their preferred one." (In the English language, the pronouns "he" (male gender) / "she" (female gender) / "it" (neuter gender) are equivalent to the Hungarian "ő" - ed.)

As the author points out, the definition of gender identity goes well beyond personal feelings. The practical aspect of this often gives rise to sexual abuse. “A biological man might suddenly decide he's a woman who wants to use a public women's bathroom because there's an underage girl he's targeting. But you are not required to prove that you are a woman, and you should not be stopped either. We have to accept his identity purely based on his own subjective statement, otherwise we question the person's gender," writes the author, who says that due to the application of tras laws, the phenomenon that anyone who is willing to act based on common sense becomes a bad person has prevailed.

Subjective right is the end of freedom

According to the author, the introduction of subjective law into law means the end of free society. - "Most of the evidence is put in the hands of lunatics and dictators, who can then fabricate their own truth as they like," he said.

The article recalled that Virginia Democrat Elizabeth Guzman plans to introduce a bill in the fall session of the Virginia legislature that would extend the scope of child abuse to parents who do not allow their child to determine their own gender identity. According to the author, the greatest danger of this is that it gives the children such power that, if used or abused, parents can easily come under the scrutiny of the child protection authorities.

Under the Democratic bill, a parent who does not allow their child to determine their own gender identity could be charged with a misdemeanor or even a felony.

The bill would reeducate parents

According to Elizabeth Guzman's idea, the application of the law would correspond to the way child protection has worked so far. An authorized specialist would talk to the child, who would then inform the child protection authority. And before child protection intervenes, the complaint would be examined by the police in addition to social workers.

The Democratic proposal was attacked by many Republican politicians who said such a law would criminalize parents who refuse to subscribe to gender ideology. However, according to Guzman, this law would practically "educate" parents, as he believes it only furthers the existing history of child protection by saying "don't abuse your child!" adds to the basic principle that "don't abuse your child because he belongs to LGBTQ." The liberal politician also referred to the Bible, since according to him this bill only carries forward the biblical teaching that we should accept everyone as they are.

It cannot be proven in court

Disputing Guzman's ideas, the author of the article reminded, however, that the creation of such a law requires legal definitions. However, as he wrote, ""there are no scientific indicators of what makes a child or anyone else 'transgender'. Therefore, it is not possible to prove in court that the parent "abused" the "trans child", because there is no way to accurately prove that the child is trans." According to the author, beyond an extremely small percentage of people suffering from the mental illness known as gender dysphoria, which requires years of psychological therapy to diagnose, there is no objective evidence for trans identity. On the other hand, the author of the article reminds us that the feelings of a hurt child cannot give the child protection authority a basis to limit the rights of parents.

Gender ideology has become a political movement

According to the author, the movement of transidentities is not a civil liberties movement, but a political movement. LGBTQ people have exactly the same legal rights as everyone else. In contrast, the trans movement wants extraordinary powers and special treatment. – "They want to be able to influence the thinking and behavior of others according to their own whims, which is simply unacceptable."

The Democratic bill is also flawed because it is not the government's job to educate parents, and ideologically biased bureaucrats are not entitled to parenting advice in the first place. "The government's job is only to protect the rights of the citizens as stated in the constitution. Pronouns denoting gender and personal feelings do not enjoy constitutional protection. However, freedom of speech is protected.”

According to the author, the Democrat Guzman does not know the Bible, because in that book there is a list of forbidden behaviors. As he wrote, not everyone may agree with every item on the list, but "everyone's acceptance" is by no means a religious requirement.

"Some people and behaviors should not be accepted because they lead to the decline and fall of civilization," the author wrote, adding that this

the biblical prohibition list includes children dictating to their parents, as well as the prohibition of placing the mentally ill in positions of power.

According to the author, "thousands of years of observation have taught us this, but leftists think they know better." He concluded his thoughts by saying that Elizabeth Guzman and ideological zealots like her should be removed from office as soon as possible, but it seems far more likely that America will have to endure more of their insanity before the people finally have enough.
