The war in Ukraine has been going on for eight months, which the international public is talking about as the Russian-Ukrainian war. A smaller proportion of analysts differ from this designation and talk about a specific world war or a proxy war. According to those who see a special world war, Russia is fighting the West in Ukraine, while those who speak of a proxy war claim that Ukraine fulfills an order when it goes to war, even though the exact identity of the principals has remained unclear to this day, which is why the real opponent of the Russians is identified with the "West".
We know of several wars from the Middle Ages, when one of the warriors paid those who fought for him (mercenaries), supplied them with weapons and all other necessary equipment. Wars that are different from mercenary warfare have been supplemented in the modern historical era with a type of war where one party's entry into the conflict cannot be explained in terms of the interests of the belligerent party, and may even be contrary to it, yet it perseveres at war, risking a very fatal injury to its own interests.
Such wars can be referred to as proxy, which means nothing more than warfare on behalf of others, along the interests of the principals. In the case of Ukraine, the designation is very apt. To this day, the country could live in peace if the Minsk agreement concluded for the sake of the Russian minority living there had been respected and if they had not demanded the accession to NATO, which seriously violates Russia's security interests. Compliance with the agreement was in line with Ukrainian interests, which is why it was signed. The Minsk agreement and the avoidance of war are also in the European interest, which is why the continent's two leading powers, Germany and France, strove for its creation.
Today, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has reached world war proportions, in the sense that the West provides the Ukrainian side with all the means and conditions necessary for warfare, from military equipment to reconnaissance, from operational planning to the continuous replenishment of the Ukrainian state budget. The fighting is taking place on Ukrainian territory, and the blood sacrifices that cannot be avoided in the war are made by Ukrainians. This is precisely why the war gets the Ukrainian prefix. In Ukraine, however, the West is actually at war with the Russians, and the world outside the West is neutral or increasingly sympathizes with the Russians. However, when using the everyday concept of the West, you have to find the characteristic that distinguishes the West from everything else and makes it the West.
And this is none other than private money for more than three centuries. It happened in England for the first time that the monarch was deprived of his previous inalienable right of sovereignty, the control over money. Money circulation was privatized by entrusting the right to issue money to a private bank owned by an unknown group of owners. In return, the money lords accepted the monarchy back into a "ruling" but non-governing position. The latter role was taken over by the lords of private money, and competing groups fought for power in the parliament.
Today, this license belongs to the Federal Reserve System, which operates in the United States and also has an unknown private ownership background. The issuance of the euro is not under the control of any sovereign power, the EU, which has no independent sovereignty, has no control over the institution that issues the euro, the European Central Bank. When the euro was introduced, they completely deviated from the original intention to have the community's own currency competing with the dollar. Instead, the euro became a system subordinated in everything and controlled from America. The financial crisis of 2008-09 provided definitive proof of this.
In the absence of other, more typical common characteristics, the West in the narrower sense can be identified as the totality of countries where the dollar or euro is in circulation instead of the national currency, but neither the United States nor any other sovereign has a meaningful say in the issuance of the dollar or the euro to the state. Monetary policy is independent of the sovereign states concerned, but it is very dependent on the masters of private money and the organizations they control, namely the two central banks. And the unknown private ownership team has been systematically working on expanding its empire for three centuries.
With freshly printed and unsecured dollars, they started huge financial, commercial and production empires all over the world with an unknown and inextricable ultimate ownership background. The wealth belongs to the unknown, as long as the dollar circulating in the world embodies the debt of the USA, because the dollar is the official currency of the United States, for which it must stand. The resources of the current host states (formerly England, now the USA), especially the army and navy, are subordinated to this goal. In return, the private central banks provide host countries with ample loans, the interest on which host countries collect from their own taxpayers. It is not an exaggeration to say that the masters of private money always wage war at the expense of the citizens of the states under their jurisdiction and with the blood sacrifice of their proxies. It is still the same today. The costs of the military equipment and services provided to the Ukrainians, as well as the billions poured into the Ukrainian budget for daily survival, are borne by the taxpayers of the Western states.
It is a mistake to believe that the Russian-Ukrainian war was the West's only proxy war so far. For example, let's recall the Prussian-Austrian conflict in 1866! On the agenda was the unification of the numerous German states into a single empire - who should lead the unification: Prussia, which operated its own gold-based state money, or Austria, which had been integrated into the Rothschild empire based on private money since 1816?
There was no doubt that the money power sided with Austria, since it had taken firm ground there since 1816. The Austrian National Bank was also founded by the Rothschilds as a private bank. Well, then Germans kill Germans, even though they are relatives, like Ukrainians and Russians today. The Austrians fell, followed by the French Proxy III. Napoleon's France under the code name Prussian-French War. It was a failure there too. Then the XX. the two bloody world wars of the 20th century were not enough to potentially completely eliminate the Germans.
As a byproduct of the Russian-Ukrainian proxy war, there is a serious chance of this happening today. This will be the consolation prize if the long-hoped-for proxy war takeover of endless Russian resources fails.
The author is an economist
Source: Hungarian Nation
Cover photo: A Ukrainian tank in Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, on October 26, 2022, during the Russian war against Ukraine (Photo: MTI/AP/Efrem Lukatsky)