Viktor Orbán is not only an outstanding Hungarian statesman, but also a great European thinker, Heinz-Christian Strache, former president of the Austrian Freedom Party, told the Democrat. Austria's former vice-chancellor told the newspaper that the Ibiza case was the culmination of a secret service operation built up over the years, and that he now considers it a mistake that he backed down then.

- On April 3, Fidesz won the election by more than two-thirds. How do you see the reason for Viktor Orbán's overwhelming support?

- Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Fidesz stand for conservative-patriotic values ​​and represent a family-friendly policy. The Hungarian government stopped the wave of mass migration from the Middle East, and at the same time rejects the Islamization of Europe. In recent years, Orbán has built and strengthened a successful economic system in Hungary by supporting Western Christian values. In the currently ongoing, dramatic Russian-Ukrainian war, he represents the Hungarian interest by taking a neutral position on the issue. He introduced a price ceiling against the rising prices of diesel and gasoline, also for the benefit of the Hungarian people. These results were apparently rewarded by Hungarian citizens. Despite strong criticism from the European Union and external interference in the elections, the Hungarian people supported and even confirmed the successful and fair path of Viktor Orbán and Fidesz. I heartily congratulate the Prime Minister on the results and another two-thirds victory! This is a historic success! Viktor Orbán is not only an outstanding Hungarian statesman, but also a great European thinker and a right-wing, conservative role model for a sovereign, free Europe. He is specifically in favor of a European alliance of nation-states instead of the centralized idea of ​​a socialist European Union.

- Critics often say that the conservative-right alliance in Europe is not functional. Nevertheless, we see that you, along with Norbert Hofer, Marine Le Pen and Santiago Abascal, were among the first to congratulate Viktor Orbán, thus showing unity. What do you think about the future of European right-wing sovereigntists?

- In my opinion, Viktor Orbán plays a leading role in building the emerging European right-wing alliance. It should be further strengthened to achieve the creation of a conservative formation that would be a federal European party of the nation-states, and this could even become a significant force in Europe in a short time, since countless partners from Italy, Poland, France, Germany and Austria are being discussed. . My motto has always been: "Patriots of nations, unite against global socialism!" We must not let them divide us.

Source: Democrat

Author: Hunor Hoppál

Image: Szilárd Koszticsák