The purpose of the campaign, which runs until the end of January 2023, is to help the operation and development of educational institutions in a more difficult situation, which do not operate in the territory of the motherland, as well as to provide one-time financial support for the start of new Hungarian Reformed institutions. Every year, the teachers and students of the Reformed schools set a fine example of fraternal solidarity and responsibility in fundraising.

With this year's campaign, the renovation of the dormitory of the Tompa Mihály Reformed High School in Rimaszombat can be supported in the Highlands, the purchase of a minibus for the Éigigerő Reformed Kindergarten in Tiszaágtelek, the purchase of a minibus for the Zilahi Reformed Wesselényi College in Királyhágómelek, while in Transylvania the elementary school in Marosvásárhely can get new equipment, and in the Southern Region and Croatia summer children and youth camps can get help.

Institutions can decide for themselves whether to use a uniform method for fundraising, or let the departments themselves decide on the form of implementation. For example: contacting families, acquaintances, donation in exchange for cookies, Advent fair, raffle. The suggested duration of the collection is one month, and it must be organized in such a way that the amount collected is transferred by January 31, 2023.

Last year, more than 20,000 students took part in the campaign, and about 20 million forints were collected. The money was supplemented by the Hungarian Reformed Church with the same amount, so in the end forty million forints could be used for the designated purposes. More information can be found here.

Coordinated fundraising for the entire area of ​​the Carpathian Basin was organized for the first time in October-November 2010. From then on, it is recommended to organize the collection every year, preferably during the Advent period, with the help of which - in addition to the actual financial support - the public's attention can be focused on Hungarian Reformed education and the nation as a whole.

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