The Association of Hungarian Journalists of Székelyföld is concerned about the measures affecting the Hungarian-language print media in Transylvania. European medal-winning journalist Zoltán Bedő delivered the statement of the Székely journalists to the Présház portal.

"According to the data we have come to know, Príma Press Kft., which publishes the daily newspapers Krónika, Székelyhon and Székely Hírmondó, the Elörretolt Helyőrség literary supplement, the Heti Hirdető weekly newspaper, and the monthly magazine for women, as of January 1, 2023, will lay off 251 of its current 297 employees fire. In addition to the publishers and publishers, there are also quite a few proofreaders, editors and journalists.

The high rate of those taking to the streets, nearly 85 percent, indicates that the cessation of the publication of the mentioned publications in printed form is not a temporary measure, as the owners announced in their terse statement published on October 19, but permanent.

In light of all of this, we are also concerned about the future of the Hungarian-language print media in Transylvania, as well as the fate of our colleagues who have lost their jobs, as we consider its maintenance to be important for the preservation of our national identity.

In addition to providing information, newspapers are also important tools for demanding language use, presenting our values, and getting to know each other, and they have a culture-creating and spreading role. And culture should not be made a function of business considerations. It does not produce an immediate benefit that can be measured in money, but in the long term it is the most profitable investment, historical experience proves it. Its absence can lead to social collapse.

The print media undeniably performs a public service. Its survival is a matter of life, especially for the Transylvanian Hungarians. And we, including our descendants, want to remain Hungarian in our homeland.

György Sepsiszent, November 10, 2022.

The Board of Directors of the Székelyföld Hungarian Journalists' Association"

The publisher announced the rationale for the change in a terse statement. According to this, the economic and financing difficulties, which are expected to persist for a longer period of time, force Prima Press kft. to suspend the printed version of the above-listed organs. According to them, the electronic appearance will remain.

Source: PrésHá

(Cover image: szé