Lies about God have led to the fact that today we barely recognize the happy state that God intended for His creatures. The "Eden state", the truly "primordial paradise happiness" has been permanently shattered and lost. Everyone experiences the chilling consequences of this. As a result of the case of the first human couple who rebelled against the happy primordial state - as we read in the liturgy of the communion liturgy of the reformed churches abroad and at home in the matter of repentance: "because of the first man created by God in righteousness, holiness and innocence, you yourselves are frail, fallible and sinful from all points of view".

The God who seeks the hiding man WHERE ARE YOU? - after the primordial question, which God asked because he missed Adam and Eve more than they missed him, they follow in the hidden, "secret" (with quotation marks, since we know from Jesus: "For there is no hidden thing that does not come to light, and there is no a secret that would not be known and would not become known" - Luke 8:17) provoked questions.

The essential father-creator question, hinting at the rebellion, the depth and weight of the rebellion, and the sea of ​​suffering of its historical effects, was this: WHO SAID IT? Who told you to eat from the tree that the Lord commanded you not to eat from? Who belittled and belittled God's order so deliberately?

The great disinformation, the news falsifier, the ancient fake news producer, the murderer, who first hid in the mask of the snake, then hid behind Éva's smile. Satan, who corrupted everything from the dust to the sky. And he wants to ruin everything even today. With the same ancient method: believe me, there is no danger, nothing special, nothing interesting here, if you say against God's commandments and prohibitions. Then to the Ten Commandments, and after thousands of years to Christ's great commandment of love.

Today: there is nothing strange if the sons and daughters of the digital age do not care about the ancient Scriptures, the Bible. With eye-popping logic: where is it compared to the wonders of today's artificial intelligence, compared to the phalansterian technical super-gadgets of the robot world? In this is today's damnable disinformation, the deceptive ideology of Satan, the honey-string of hell. When it dazzles today's world with appearance and virtuality. Because any digital technology or information miracle spins the Ferris wheel of the illusion of human capabilities, and where people are high, imagining themselves omnipotent in their giddiness, where they are down, they are caught up in such individual or collective depression and groundlessness that they perish in it. This where up and where down state is the "WHO SAID?" a repetition of the reality behind the question, a damning, dangerous historical repetition.

The bottom line, then and today, is the permanent aspiration of the historical great believer and disinformation: to make the Lord of All Things smaller, and in proportion to the smaller size to make him bigger, to put man in the place of God. Since the Enlightenment, the rational dethronement of God has had its very visible consequences, which can be seen with the light of biblical prehistory: the promotion of man's omnipotence and himself to the sky, the idols of man and his self-worship, money, power, wars. The devastating family dramas, when the unbridled desire for domination in Europe and worldwide exterminated the other family in revenge, which was Abelian and Cainian at the same time.

The unleashing of the hellish Moloch, the golden calf, of money power, which respects neither God nor man, nor spares it, on Earth... And smearing the other, through the official or private production and distribution of lies, in a way that nullifies all personal rights. This spiral of lies led hundreds of thousands to Katorgá, Recski and the Danube Delta, to reprisals. Or through the unwritten forced history of life-saving emigrations and defections... No one can say that they have not personally encountered this serious question: WHO said that about me? - The only effective antidote to this is that God's salvation is also present with us while writing the personal and community stories of the digital age of criminal history: I am with you always until the end of the world (Matthew 28:20).

And you have to take this seriously, otherwise it's all for naught. Through the reality of this Word, which guides us home and brings us back to our saved reality in Christ, the 21st century tools that attract positive, life-rehabilitating blessings are heavenly GPSs.

Since the case of the first human couple, the history of rebellion is like the permanence of the law of gravity. Only to a greater extent. Similar to physical gravity, mental and psychological gravity also shows an accelerating trend when falling downwards. Not only in a vertical, downward direction, but - and this is the peculiar lawfulness of sin or the case of the first man - as a horizontally accelerating spiritual phenomenon. The farther in time we are from the original event, the greater the acceleration, differentiation, multiplication, division, dispersion, alienation and many forms of the original rebellion we see in history. It is no coincidence that the concept of homo vastans, the self-destructive, self-depriving man, has found a place in the latest philosophical and theological insights about man. Nor is it that the accelerating products of post-human visions are flooding the visual world of our children, the movies, presenting the unreal as reality.

What can be done?

Almost nothing for us from ourselves, in ourselves. Generally no, but personally yes. The divine curse pronounced on the primal rebellion and the fulfillment of the primal lie: "walk on your belly and eat dust all your life! I will put enmity between you and the woman" (Genesis 3:14-15) parallel to the seemingly negative divine future program, only God can pronounce the judgment of acquittal and enact the act of mercy. And He did, He will. After all, he offered a covenant to the descendants of Cain, and then in the fullness of time he sent his dearly beloved Son, who manifested the eternal future, put it into effect, and who permanently took away the soul-charming curse and ability of the primordial misinformer and the serpent. "So that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16) This is the curse-breaking grace.

This is still with us today in Jesus Christ. Through his Holy Spirit, the curse-breaking personal fulfillment takes place in every heart that calls upon the name of the Lord. General grace also works in a saving way, which is why the best of humanity, today's thinkers, are looking for the ways in which human responsibility and human endeavors to maintain human existence can be realized. The image and programs of homo sustinens, homo respondens, responsibilis, the responsible person who answers to God, man, speaks with him. Perhaps getting closer and closer to the attraction of the divine force field, to the spiritual and spiritual Kingdom of Jesus Christ. This is our hope. That is why we pray and think together with the guidance of the heavenly GPS. For the dawn of homo amans, the Christian man who can be loved by God, and humanity, the man protected by the heavenly vaccine, for the proliferation of homo immune christianis in our Hungarian land and on Earth...

Our reader: Dr. Lajos Békefy's writing

Our opening picture is Hieronymus Bosch's The Visions of Tondal