The fact that the Embassy of the United States of America in Hungary published a video on its Twitter page showing the leading pro-government politicians and various public opinion makers in a negative light caused a great storm in the Hungarian public discourse, and that the American Ambassador David Pressman held a confidential meeting with two Hungarian judges who are members of the National Judicial Council. Council members. The November poll of Századvég assessed how Hungarians feel about the role of the US Embassy in Hungary's internal affairs.

According to Századvég, it is important to emphasize as a starting point that the main source of diplomatic law is the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which was ratified by both our country and the United States. The convention in question states that the purpose of its creation is to contribute to the "development of friendly relations between the countries", regardless of the "differences in the constitutional and social structure" of the participating states.

The Vienna Convention of 1961 also provides for the obligations of diplomats. The legislation clearly states that the members of the diplomatic mission (including ambassadors) must refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of the receiving state, and - instead of arbitrarily elected bodies and officials - they must handle all official matters with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the receiving state, with which the sending state manages the representation. entrusted him. It can therefore be concluded that there is a clear set of rules for the continuation of diplomatic activity and the conduct of diplomatic relations, which have been applied for decades, to which the states party to the convention have undertaken to follow.

Based on the research, it can be stated that the Hungarian voters strongly oppose any attempt to interfere in Hungarian domestic politics in the relationship between our country and the United States. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority support the maintenance of friendly relations based on the observance of diplomatic rules. Accordingly, more than three-quarters of Hungarians (76 percent) believe that the United States should maintain a partnership with Hungary that respects diplomatic rules and refrain from interfering in the country's internal affairs.

Source: Origo/End of the century

Source: Origo/End of the century

The proportion of those who believe that the active role of the USA in Hungarian domestic politics is justified, and that the United States - if it deems it necessary - criticizes the Hungarian government, can be put at 18 percent.

Source: Origo/End of the century

Source: Origo/End of the century

Similarly, nearly two-thirds of the respondents (65 percent) do not agree with the US embassy directly expressing an opinion on Hungarian domestic political issues, while 31 percent would approve of this.

Source: Origo

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