It is extremely important that Brussels finally changes its pro-migration policy, which encourages many to try to come to Europe by risking their lives and paying thousands of dollars to people smugglers, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in Vienna on Monday.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the head of the ministry, reporting on the discussions held in the Austrian capital, emphasized that it is quite difficult to have a rational discussion on the topic of immigration, usually there are ideological and emotional discussions, but the most important thing would be for Brussels to abandon its pro-migration policy.

"It should be made clear that you can only enter Europe legally , illegal immigrants have nothing to earn here, and we will not let them in," he stated.

"We Hungarians are doing this quite firmly, unfortunately Brussels is still making the opposite moves," he added.

He underlined: human traffickers "sometimes pass themselves off as NGOs", for example, NGOs operating rescue boats in the Mediterranean are "practically gangs of people smugglers who try to put pressure on European countries to let in illegal migrants from who knows where".

Péter Szijjártó then touched on the serious consequences of the war in Ukraine, and emphasized that the problems of the developing regions surrounding Europe lead sooner or later to waves of immigration, which our country also feels firsthand.

More than one million refugees have already arrived in Hungary from the east, and the number of illegal border crossing attempts prevented this year on the southern border is close to 250,000, he reminded.

He then repeated that the solution would be peace in Ukraine.

"If there was peace, all the challenges and serious problems caused by the war, be it the energy crisis, the food supply crisis, the increasingly serious challenges of developing countries, would all be solved," he said.

He also added that the root causes of migration should be addressed by developing the economy of the countries of origin.

The minister finally reported that Europe is rushing towards recession due to the war in Ukraine and the "totally failed sanctions", which Hungary wants to stay out of, so the pace of incoming investments must be maintained.

In this connection, he informed that Austrian companies form the fourth largest investor community in our country, 2,500 companies provide about 70,000 jobs.

Péter Szijjártó met, among others, Harald Mahrer, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), Gerd Müller, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Michael Spindelegger, Head of the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in Vienna.

Source: MTI

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