Esther Choo, a professor of medicine at Oregon Health & Science University, tweeted her suggestion that the Christmas holiday should be postponed and Thanksgiving should not be held at all in late November to "prevent winter illnesses." The proposal was not popular.

MSNBC's health columnist suggested canceling Thanksgiving and postponing the winter holidays to prevent disease. Dr. Esther Choo, professor of emergency medicine at Oregon Health & Science University, talked about how to prevent respiratory diseases such as COVID-19 and RSV during the holiday season, Fox News .

The article pointed out that the professor tweeted that "Thanksgiving should be canceled and winter holidays should be moved to summer." The doctor's tweet provoked a quick reaction on the social network, where, among others, Florida governor Ron DeSantis's colleague, Christina Pushaw, said:

"rather, the public health tyrants should be eliminated."

There have been voices in favor of the doctor's proposal, such as health and science journalist Melody Schreiber. However, podcast presenter Josh Barro started a discussion in which the resentments against American public health also surfaced.

"Public health is full of hypochondriacs, we have learned this in the last three years"

- said Bethany Mandel, editor of Heroes of Liberty.

Featured Image: White Christmas at the White House (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)