The capital paid HUF eighty-two billion dividends to the foreign investor of the Capital Sewerage Works "for nothing", said Zsolt Wintermantel, the leader of the Fidesz-KDNP faction in the capital, in a video published on Facebook.

"After twenty-five years, we are in the same position as in 1998, that we own 100 percent of the sewerage works, but during all this time, the capital paid HUF 82 billion in dividends to the foreign investor"

said the government politician.

"Eighty-two billion forints for absolutely nothing. At the moment, the chairman of the board of the sewerage works is János Atkári, who forced privatization in 1998, carried out his will and directed the whole thing"

Zsolt Wintermantel remarked.


Photo: János Atkári SOURCE: MTI/IMRE FÖLDI