With the leader of the Szikra Movement, left-wing radicalism also appeared in the Parliament.

A specter is roaming Europe - the specter of communism is returning, which is the responsibility of the opposition, because they brought András Jámbor from the Szikra Movement, who professes far-left views, on their backs, who became a representative of the Dialogue, said Ervin Nagy, the XXI. Analyst at the Century Institute. According to Levente Boros Bánk, director of the Nézőpont Institute, the Szikra Movement is the 20th he applies the far-left, communist phraseology and methods of the beginning of the 20th century one by one during his movements.

The Szikra Movement is like a watermelon: green on the outside, red on the inside - declared Ervin Nagy, the XXI. Analyst at the Century Institute. Referring to András Jámbor, the member of parliament of Párbeszéd, he emphasized that the fact that a representative of a far-left movement can be present in the Hungarian parliament is the responsibility of the opposition, which not only embraced the far-right in the form of Jobbik, but also sought allies from the far-left. According to him

There is no need for such a movement in Hungary, because it is an isolated and extremist organization that, based on historical experience, offends the sensibilities of many people.

Ervin Nagy stated that the system-critical and far-left Szikra Movement defines itself as a progressive organization representing green issues, whose goal is to make its extreme views acceptable. Speaking about the possible rise of the movement, he said that since the opposition is also becoming more and more extreme in politics, there is a danger that social order and legal security will be disrupted by street scandal politicization.

The analyst added that they currently do not have enough support to play a bigger role in Hungary, but there is no need for them. - This is presumably why they only function as an association and were only invited to the opposition list, because if a far-left party claiming to be green were to run independently, it would not achieve even one percent in the elections - explained Ervin Nagy.

"There is a centuries-old tradition of subversive activity on the left," said Levente Boros Bánk in connection with the fact that the Szikra Movement, characterized by András Jámbor, held several provocative movements that were not free of physical aggression. The director of the Viewpoint Institute added,

communism as an illegal movement was also extreme and violent. The analyst compared all actions that involve violence to terrorism, as they start from a weak position with no hope of success.

- The goal of these movements is either intimidation or attention-grabbing. What we are experiencing in Hungary is more of a counterproductive social effect - explained Levente Boros Bánk.

When asked how, after four elections that failed by two-thirds, where does the left get the courage to speak "in the name of the people", the director of the Nezőpont Institute said: this is nothing but the elitist approach that has always been characteristic of the left-liberal side . Accordingly, they feel entitled to demand change without authorization.

 - This stems from the elitism that their way of thinking is the true, the only and exclusive one, everything else that opposes it is bad, even against the will of the majority

Levente Boros Bánk noted.

As Magyar Nemzet also wrote: members of the Szikra Movement demonstrated in front of the Las Vegas Casino Tropicana in the capital on Monday, provoked violence, then threw checks and chanted: "Let the rich pay!" A day later, they staged an action in front of the Budapest building of the Hungarian Court Executive. In any case, the Szikra Movement is not the only extreme left-wing organization, it also includes the Táncsics-Radical Left Party, the international Antifa movement and the organization A Város Mindinkié.

Author: János Molnár

In our opening image:

Cover photo: András Jámbor won a mandate from the rainbow coalition (Photo: István Mirkó)

Source: magyarnemzet.hu