As previously reported by, the organization called the Association of Slovak Intellectuals appealed to the General Prosecutor's Office because the Hungarian representatives in Gúta did what is the most natural thing in the world (it should be): they sang the National Anthem. This time, the Whistleblowers of the Nation targeted József Berényi, the vice president of Nagyszombat County, because, according to them, he closed a Slovak school in Dunaszerdahely.

It says everything about the intellectual level of the intellectuals that they are not even aware of it: founding or closing a school is not a one-man operation, not even in Slovakia: apart from the decision of the county board, this also requires ministerial approval.

This is also what József Berényi said in his statement sent to the portal regarding the case:

"Today I took part in a police interrogation in Nagyszombat, as the Association of Slovak Intellectuals filed a complaint against me. According to the grouping, I closed a Slovak school in Dunaszerdahely.

In the second point of their submission, the whistleblowers claimed that on June 4 of this year in Komárom and Dunaszerdahely, at the Dance of Unity event, anti-state speeches were made, in which the speakers incited the audience against the Slovak nation.

Regarding the first topic, I said that during the last election period, Nagyszombat County merged several schools, and after the language school in Dunaszerdahely was closed, it was immediately reopened as part of the Vámbéry Ármin High School. The institution has been operating successfully ever since.

Of course, I also said that I, as a county vice-president, can neither establish nor terminate a school, as this requires the decision of the county board and the consent of the ministry. Regarding the mentioned language school, I handed over the minutes of the relevant decisions to the investigating officer.

Regarding the Fourth of June, I told you that on that day I was somewhere else, unlike in previous years, I did not participate in either the event in Komárom or in Dunaszerdahely. But I can say that on this day the speakers look back on the Trianon decision and its consequences.

Since 2010, we Hungarians have been celebrating Unity Day all over the world on this day. The speeches are not made against someone, but for something, and they are not inciting.

Both the Association and the representatives of the Csemads have already stated several times in the past that we respect the territorial unity of Slovakia and try to realize our goals within it.

The complaint was signed by a person named Branislav Čech. The investigating officer approached the questioning in a very fair and humane manner, I did not experience any signs of malice or anti-Hungarianism.

I assume, however, that thanks to the grouping called the Association of Slovak Intellectuals, in the near future several complaints will be received against Hungarian public figures active in Slovakia, because after reading their submissions, I could see that they carefully examine what we say and what we do, and this is presented with serious distortions.

In my opinion, their goal is to intimidate us, to demonstrate strength, so that our interest representation is not active and thus successful", concluded József Berényi.


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