The experiment that the approx. it will not work for the German industrial elite consisting of a thousand families to turn Germany into a tech country operating on purely progressive liberal principles, writes lawyer-writer Tamás Kötter, Megafon's political fighter, in his latest Facebook post, warning of the dangers of German progression and population exchange .

"The attempt to turn Germany into a tech country operating on purely progressive liberal principles by the German industrial elite, which consists of about a thousand families, will not work.

Without nationalism and a nation-state, liberalism is doomed.
A vacuum is created in a space that is completely emptied, deprived of its sense of "holy territory" (homeland), its history (timeless travel), its stories (knowing each other) and, ultimately, the nation that ensures homogeneity. Due to the lack of alignment points, the population that fills it is unable to emotionally identify with the state and therefore obey it, and the state is unable to fulfill its task and, in its dying state, is forced to resort to the means of violence instead of the no longer existing loyalty, which is the basis of voluntary legal compliance.
The violence intensifies if only because a significant part of the people living in its territory, in the absence of this emotional identification, mistrust or are downright hostile towards the state, which feeling is embodied in aimless destruction.
Therefore, liberalism alone is not able to provide the glue that holds society together, because it is not able to provide individuals with a sense of community.
I do not claim that Germany as a nation-state as it exists today will collapse within a few years - based on demographic data, this could happen in about 30-40 years, but I do claim that the official ideology of progression (openness, tolerance, diversity, individual-centeredness) and the population exchange has weakened its foundations to such an extent that it will lead to serious problems within a relatively short time.
What is the lesson to be learned from this and similar cases that are becoming more and more common (see the appearance of the Moroccan national football team on the field and in the streets of Paris and Brussels)?!
Perhaps it is that without a strong nation-state, there is no liberalism.
And by forcing immigration, we are destroying nation-states.
So we say no to immigration!”

Cover image: Illustration / MTI/EPA/Martin Schutt