In an interview with Origo, constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici Jr. explained in connection with the latest developments in the Eva Kaili case that the harmonious collusion of the left in Brussels, the lobbying organizations of multinational corporations and the liberal culture-warrior pseudo-civilian organizations - even with the influence of the Muslim state - results in this swamp-like deep and extensive corruption policy, which undermines the authority of the continent in front of other parts of the world, breaks the trust in European politics, can even further discourage investors from Europe, thus causing economic damage to the member countries as well. The legal expert of the Századvég Foundation explained what can await the corrupt socialist politician and his associates, as well as where the investigation is now.

Eva Kaili that caused a big storm , which is getting more complicated every day. Why is this scandal shocking?

- The Brussels left, which repeatedly and systematically attacks the Hungarian government, portrays Hungary as a country of corruption, and tries to block it from EU funds with a rule of law witch hunt, is facing its most serious credibility problem so far. The corruption scandal marked by the name of the former socialist EP vice-president Eva Kaili is the veterinary horse of the hypocrisy of the liberal mainstream in Brussels. Eva Kaili's case contains all the elements that can disturb a person with healthy public morality: bribes, offshore accounts, NGOs trying to cross nation-states, the selling out of European public power, lies, hypocrisy, and the list goes on.

The Greek politician lobbied for Hungary's condemnation and impossibility as early as 2015, when, among others, Péter Niedermüller , but in 2018 he also voted for the Sargentini report, which laid the foundation for the He initiated the procedure under Article 7 against Hungary, which has been ongoing ever since, and one of the "accusations" was corruption. Let's add that these Brussels reports, mechanisms and procedures try to assert the political interests of the liberal side and have little to do with the issue of fighting corruption or protecting the rule of law. Law and universal values ​​such as the rule of law or basic human rights are used as tools for small-scale political games, thereby emptying concepts and weakening the moral faith in politics of societies built on the nation-state. We can now witness a very shocking and disappointing practice, which is slowly becoming the norm in Brussels, which is illustrated by the scandal of Eva Kaili as a sad but apt legal case.

Klára Dobrev from DK, is working together to discredit our country, within the framework of the ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations), an NGO supported by György Soros

– If it turns out that the former socialist vice-president of the EP really did business with common-law criminals, on the one hand, what kind of light can it shed on the judgment of the European and Hungarian left, and on the other hand, is it expected that he will be held accountable in the case?

According to the Belgian authorities, the possession of a significant amount of cash found on the father of the former socialist EP vice-president - when leaving a hotel in Brussels, i.e. in a raid-like manner - clearly grounds the suspicion that the origin of the money is not legal or clean. The source of the money can even be linked to organized crime. So far, the Belgian authorities have been acting strictly and consistently, one of the people involved in the case, and even the director of the NGO No Peace Without Justice, Niccoló Figá-Talamanca, was not allowed to be released with a tracer, but instead extended his pre-trial detention until the trial. Meanwhile, Kaili's request for release was also rejected, extending her detention by a month.

All of this is a good indication that perhaps even now in Brussels they feel that this scandal is starting to cause serious damage to the image of European political institutions, and the developments are of course being followed with increased interest by the public of the whole world. It can therefore be reasonably assumed that in this case we will even see real criminal prosecution, even if this outward determination was not always a typical practice.

Source: Origo

(Header image: MTI/EPA/Patrick Seeger )

The full article can be read here.