I read on 888.hu that the fans attacked the English singer, who had previously been loved under the stage name MIA, because the lady who practiced the Hindu religion dared to say: Jesus is real.

It is fortunate that there is no Christian persecution in Europe. Only Christians say otherwise. After all, it is not persecution if a Christian politician named Maureen Martin It is not persecution that the worker of a chicken processing plant in Scotland, named Yevgenijs Kovalkovs , was shoveled because he wore a cross around his neck. Paivi Rasanen to prison because he published biblical quotes and argued on several occasions that God is male and female created man. And this blew the fuse at the LGBTQ lobby and the Finnish public prosecutor as well. But this is not Christian persecution.

Nor is it if the Kristie Higgs , who, based on her Christian beliefs, objected to LGBTQ sensitization going on in their school, is fired from her job. But the doctor who refused to address the male patient who thought he was a woman as a woman also lost his job, also based on his religious beliefs. The court ruled that the dismissal was legal, saying that the statement that there are only men and women offends the sensibilities of transgender people.

Okay, he's insulting. But who cares that both faith and science support this proposition? And who cares about the sensibilities of Christians? Or because someone is a devout Christian, he can no longer be sensitive to the facts according to his faith?

Not possible. Because there is no persecution of Christians in Europe, they just persecute Christians. Maybe not (yet) with a crowbar or machete, but with intimidation, dismissal, court cases.

But why is Christianity a thorn in their side? Why have they launched - and continue to launch - a hunt against those who are not willing to deny their faith and its teachings? Maybe the time will come when we will be thrown to the lions again?

I know what's wrong here. Jesus Christ . In the eyes of European "progressives" who have become egoistic and selfish, he is the backbone, even the beam. After all, what did this person dare to advertise? What is love? How to love your neighbor as yourself? Don't you just want a left-liberal to love conservatives? A freak! You have to hate them from the gut!

What is forgiveness? Bad bastard! Revenge, yes! Those who promote such nonsense must be avenged. Where would the world be if, say, we forgave all our political opponents? It's bad to even think about it!

Altruism! It's the biggest trouble to ask for such a thing! Because I deserve it, because I deserve it, I have no intention of giving up anything for the benefit of someone else. This is the modern world, shut up everyone who says otherwise!

What is creation? We create our own world according to our own rules, and whoever goes against this beautiful new world based on some Christian text, we will crucify him (today only verbally, although there are exceptions), and then he will learn where the Lord God resides! Where I am!

And what is self-sacrifice ? Of course, if you mean that we are sacrificing you, we have no objection to that, but for a haladar to sacrifice his interests for anyone, especially himself, is so ridiculous that modern people no longer feel like laughing at it.

Fire me! Chase to death! Go to jail with him! But we don't persecute Christians, come on! We just put them in their place. Because they are horrible white, heterosexual creations.

This is how the progressive citizen of Europe barks. Because he has rights, and we have duties. We are obliged to swallow the frog without objection, to tolerate without saying a word how the progressives violate reality, violate the laws of nature, or even express their deep contempt for Christians with caricatures that insult Christ. And let's just keep the other cheek there too, if the previous big slap wasn't enough.

It would be time for us to realize that we are slowly becoming an undesirable group. We see it, but for us, they are precisely the ones who are undesirable. Only our religion forbids us to be the same trash with you as you are with us.

By the way , we have something that you don't: our faith. And God is with us.

Who is with you?

Author: Jr. György Tóth