"This never happens in Hungary" - the question is how much longer we can say this.

Shocking footage recently went viral on X, showing hordes of illegal immigrants storming the southern border of the United States, running down Texas National Guard soldiers guarding the border. If these migrants had weapons, we would know exactly what to call them. But this infuriating violation of American sovereignty didn't even make the news. If it weren't for X, the American people would hardly know it happened at all. As it often happens to me recently, I thought again that "this kind of thing never happens in Hungary", writes Rod Dreher, writer, journalist, leading researcher of the Danube Institute, in his publicism published in Magyar Nemzet.

Are all mental institutions full?

As I passed the time scrolling through the social network, I saw another video trending with a statement from Laura Jacobs, who works at a policy-making level on a medical board that works with transgender people and governs transgender healthcare. Jacobs expressed his excitement about the creative possibilities that technological innovations hold for his field: “Do we have to stick to penises and vaginas? he wondered. "Can we have genitalia that look like flowers or abstract sculptures?" Can there be more of them? Can they be interchangeable?” My first thought was: are all mental institutions full? Prisons too? Is there room for one more? And my second thought was again that "this certainly never happens in Hungary".

By the way, my Hungarian friends are certainly tired of hearing this from me all the time. Some of them think that I am so blinded by the alarm over the decline of the United States that I am blind to the real problems in Hungary. I hope this is not true - I love Hungary, but I know it is not paradise -

but it is important that the Hungarians understand how quickly this madness spread in my country, and that in the absence of strength and vigilance it can easily happen here as well. Back in 2014, a prominent American doctor contacted me to tell me that his elderly mother, who was Catholic and had come to the United States after being released from prison by the Czech Communists in the late 1950s, had just warned him that the current American things - i.e. the ubiquitous woke ideology - remind him of Czechoslovakia at the beginning of the communist era.

To me, that sounded alarming. Nevertheless, I have become accustomed to asking emigrants seeking freedom from the Soviet bloc if the phenomenon of the woke reminds them of what they left behind. They all said yes—and it pissed them off that Americans weren't taking them seriously. And their vision of the soft totalitarianism emerging in the West has undergone amazing development in the last decade, and it doesn't look like it will end here. In the same way, when I tell the Hungarians that the madness prevailing in the United States can easily take over the country, they don't want to believe me. It hardly seems possible. But Hungarians should know that everything is possible.

The civilizational suicide of the West

On March 15, I stood near the National Museum to listen to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's national holiday speech, the main points of which a Hungarian friend of mine tried to interpret for me. In the meantime, I wondered that what makes Orbán truly outstanding among his Western peers is that, with the possible exception of Giorgia Meloni, he is the only one who has a civilizational vision. He understands the ultimate stakes of the conflicts and passions raging in the West, and he is undoubtedly the only politician at his level willing to take decisive action against Western civilizational suicide.

Let's just look at this excerpt from Orbán's speech:

"Millions of people in the Western world today think that and live as if they come from nothing and go to nothing. Therefore, they are not, and according to their conviction, they should not be concerned about anything or anyone. They start wars, destroy worlds, redraw country borders and graze everything like locusts. They treat the dead as nothing and deprive the unborn of their rights. We Hungarians live differently and we want to live differently. We come from somewhere and we are going somewhere. Everything we have was given to us by our ancestors, and with it the mission to maintain and pass it on. This is the core of Hungarian freedom."

The prime minister - whether consciously or not - highlighted the statement of the late Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman a few years ago.
According to Bauman, in the past people lived their lives as Pilgrims: that is, they traveled through time together with others on a path guided by the same goals, together, helping each other, they passed by familiar signposts, guided by faith and the memories of those who had already walked that path before. the certain one is on the road, heading towards the same destination. However, according to Bauman, in modern times the Pilgrim has been replaced by the Traveler. The Traveler moves through life aimlessly. It comes from nowhere and goes nowhere but where its passions take it. His only purpose in life is to escape boredom - and that means, among other things, avoiding commitment. Its purpose in life is to create maximum opportunities for individuals to fulfill their desires. He never thinks of the world he leaves behind for others; for the Traveler, only himself and the current moment matter. And the choice to walk the path of life as a pilgrim or a traveler will create very different civilizations.

Orbán alluded to this in this part of his speech: "A traveler travels Europe. He sees a man on the side of the road breaking a rock with a hammer. What are you doing? Don't you see? I follow you, it's my job! He sees another man, he also breaks stone. What are you doing? Don't you see? I'm building a cathedral! The European, including the Hungarian left, is breaking stone today. This is their life. Deprived of past and future, a robot for its own sake. We are building a cathedral.”

This is why the barbarians break through the borders of Italy, Spain, France, England and America, but never cross the Hungarian border.

This is why states everywhere in the West allow their children to be propagated that they can change their gender, and then allow them to mutilate their bodies surgically or chemically for this purpose - but this does not happen in Hungary.

The full article HERE .

Front page photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the panel discussion of the most famous American conservative research institute, the Heritage Foundation, which was held in Washington on March 7, 2024 under the title The Future of American-Hungarian Relations.
MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer