According to a recent Gallup survey, 20.8 percent of American youth Generation Z are LGBT, compared to only 0.8 percent of those born before 1946 and 4.2 percent of Generation X. And this is a shocking and shocking figure , writes Jeremy Carl on the American Conservative.

The rainbow flag quickly became one of America's national symbols. It was once a symbol of the gay ghettos, but today we find it everywhere, in a bewildering variety of colors and patterns. They fly there on the flagpoles of embassies, above cabinet offices, at the FBI, and even adorn the White House. Trans transition didn't just become mainstream – it became the establishment itself.

Whatever the intentions of some, the rainbow flag—especially flying it at the centers of government power—is not a demand for tolerance. Rather, it demands that we worship new gods and new rulers. People also understand this intuitively. The flag is basically a political symbol. The left knows this, which is why it advocates its presence everywhere.

Political radicalism is built into the origin of the pride flag. It was never simply a call for acceptance, but a call for radical activism to overturn traditional American norms and values. Gilbert Baker designed the original flag on behalf of his friend, gay activist Harvey Milk, whose abuse of underage boys, corruption, and deep connection with mass murderer Jim Jones had already been covered up in American pop culture.

There are now countless rainbow flags, the most common being the "progressive" version, which uses stripes to symbolize transgenderism and intersectionality. When Americans honor this flag, whether in parades or in public buildings,

then they respect transgenderism, they respect child genital mutilation, and they respect radical, unscientific division of the sexes. This flag is a celebration of a culture in which all perverted and deviant behavior, real or imagined, is exalted.

Today, gender must be malleable, so it can easily be imposed on impressionable and confused youth. There are seventy-one gender identities to choose from on Facebook, each of which can be celebrated with its own magical version of the rainbow flag. No wonder the prevalence of these alternative sexualities has exploded:

according to a recent Gallup survey, 20.8 percent of Gen Z are LGBT, compared to just 0.8 percent of those born before 1946 and 4.2 percent of Gen X.

Photo: GettyImages

Of course, the pride flag always takes center stage during "pride month," when we are berated by "moral superiors" for opposing the political preferences of the LGBTQIA+ community, for advancing their latest demands. Pride Month is a recent invention, first celebrated in the last year of Clinton's presidency, and now we are expected to treat Pride Month as a sacred time. Moreover, publicly criticizing the movement has serious consequences, as supporters of California's successful ban on gay marriage experienced in 2009. It is interesting to note in relation to the current kulturkampf that 13 years ago even Californians did not accept gay marriage.

Burning the American flag is fine, and it has become fashionable in certain circles to refuse to salute, but disrespecting the flag of pride - well, that will not be tolerated. And if you dare to deface this sacred symbol online, you can expect criminal proceedings and possibly even prison terms.

In 2019, the Trump administration, responding to grassroots conservative pressure, banned pride flags from US embassies and military bases, where vigilante bureaucrats demanded they be flown. The administration clearly argued that only the American flag should be flown from the American flagpole at federal facilities. But the Biden administration quickly reversed the sacrilege; just three months after taking office, the executive order was rescinded and made clear that the rainbow flag could be flown on the same pole as the American flag "for the duration of pride season." (Note that "pride season" runs from May 17 to the end of June.)

But how should we honor things that are inherently dishonorable?

People need to be enlightened about the true meaning of the rainbow flag, which is not about acceptance or tolerance, but about inciting a radical cultural revolution. We must show no respect, and within the legal framework (or even outside of it, if one is willing to risk the possible legal consequences of civil disobedience) all necessary steps must be taken to remove these flags from public life.

This is not about hatred towards LGBT people, all kinds of violence against them should be rejected.

But when we fly the Pride flag, contrary to what activists claim, we are not simply supporting human dignity or the right of people to do what they want in the bedroom, but the rise of a radical set of values ​​and institutions that are antithetical to America's history and traditions.

We support genital mutilation of minors.

We support a kind of Baal worship in the destructive, insane and libertarian cultural and sexual revolution that is harming millions of adults and, more damningly, young people.

Featured Image: NYC Pride / Christopher Gagliardi