Gifts from our Association of Szent László Társulat in Budapest reached Gömör again this year. Gábor Czibolya, the president of the troupe, highlighted that they want to give feedback to the recipients that they are important to them, felvidé reported on the event.

"We have been to Gömör several times and we would love to come back. This is our common homeland, for which teachers and people involved in culture do the most, and we would like to thank them as well. We feel that the primary task is to educate the next generation," stated Gábor Czibolya. He explained that no matter how difficult it is, I would like to express our solidarity in as many places as possible, since thousands of parents and churchgoers think of their compatriots across the border through the Szent László Association.

In Balogvölgye, the Rákóczi Association and the Regional Office of the Association for Közös Célokért in Rimaszombat organized the handover of the donations. The reception took place at the Nagybalog primary school on January 13, 2022, when the heads of 15 institutions received the gifts...

...In Budapest, the collection was organized for the 19th time this year, at 30 locations, i.e. in 25 schools and 5 parishes, the gifts of togetherness were intended to reach beyond the border. A total of 5 tons of donations were collected, which 25 volunteers helped to sort and pack.

In addition to the Upper Carpathians, packages also went to Subcarpathia, the Rát orphanage, and the bishopric of Münkac, and gifts are also being sent to Parcium and Southern Region. For the 15th year now, the Hungarian Maltese Charity Association has been assisting the Szent László Society in the delivery of donations...

..."Civil organizations in Hungary are strong because they unite and help each other shoulder to shoulder. Here, too, the point is that the collections of many schools and parishes could have gone here. And the greatest joy about the current trip is that we were able to bring a teacher who participated in the collection and saw where the donation goes and was able to gain personal experience. Personal relationships are much more important than objects," said László Adányi, founding member of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, when asked by Felvidé

Source and title image: Pósa Homoly Erzsó/Felvidé

You can read the full article here.