2023 can be another successful year in Hungarian-Israeli relations, wrote Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in his Facebook post. The head of the department explained: he just met Eli Cohen for the first time as foreign minister, but they had already worked together before, when he was responsible for economic affairs in the Israeli government.

I congratulated him on the election victory of the Likud, for which we were very supportive, said Péter Szijjártó. He added that they also strengthened the strategic alliance and friendship between the two countries.

He elaborated: he assured his Israeli colleague that Hungary will continue to do everything in the future to ensure that Israel does not have to face unjust attacks and unfair treatment in international organizations.

 We will not vote for anti-Israel resolutions in the future either, he emphasized.

The full article of Magyar Nemzet can be read here.

Image: Facebook