On the occasion of World Cancer Day, the Bridge of Health Coalition against Breast Cancer draws attention to the risk-reducing role of exercise.

On Saturday, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., participants can try fitball training at the event to be held in the Arena Mall. Based on WHO's recommendation, the National Cancer Program mentions regular exercise and avoiding excess weight as one of the important risk-reducing factors.

Exercise, even simple sports, can play a big role in the rehabilitation of recovering patients. Organized rehabilitation options are available to those affected by breast cancer in few places today. The association encourages everyone to try to participate in exercise programs, either in groups or individually. For this purpose, video exercise programs specially made for breast surgery patients were also published.

At the event, in addition to exercise, those interested can increase their knowledge by completing a breast cancer quiz and get answers to their questions about screenings or the disease.

Source: OS