The Facebook application has nearly 7 million users in Hungary. They may also be affected by Mark Zuckerberg's announcement that he is launching a subscription service that will start at $11.99 a month and offer a verified rating. The service is currently being tested in Australia and New Zealand.

It is true, this will not be mandatory, so if it reaches us, you can choose whether to pay HUF 4,000 per month on the web and approximately HUF 5,500 on the mobile phone, or not.

Why is that? For a "blue check" verification badge, for which we must first submit a photocopy of our identity card or other photographic document. Then, once we've paid and received the badge, we can directly discuss our posts with Facebook's content monitors (now known as Meta) and - what's most important - get "greater visibility".

In addition to the fact that Cukorhegyi has previously stated several times that Facebook will never be a paid platform, in addition to the debate that took place in the USA between 2007 and 2011 and was about FB being a "subcontract" of the CIA or that the latter "only" pumped money into it to get access to all the data through a backdoor, we can safely say that this enterprise is one of the most disgusting tools that have been fed to nearly 2 billion users. Yes, us too…

Because a computer development can only be authentic if and until it treats all its users equally - on the basis of equal principles - and keeps its original promises.

Right, we still remember the massacre in Berlin in December 2016, when an Islamist perpetrator drove a hijacked truck at high speed into a Christmas market in the German capital, killing 12 people and injuring dozens more. Well, after that, extremist Muslims were happy to comment on the horrific events that claimed 12 lives in open Facebook groups. According to one of them, "...only kafirs /infidels/ died. They are probably people who criticize Islam and go to hell..." Another commenter wrote: "...according to the teachings of Islam, in the house of war, infidels can be killed and their property can be taken..." But all this did not bother the platform operators at all. (Source:

A year later, in 2017, FB already started to politicize openly, as Spiegel wrote at the time. With the support of the György Soros Open Society Foundation, the "public benefit research office" called Correctiv was created, which focused on "fake news" appearing on Facebook. Of course, they decided which "fake news" to eradicate. It is interesting that in 2020, Soros already demanded Zuckerberg's replacement (!), claiming that he was not tough enough on President Trump, which, according to Soros, is why he won the 2016 elections.

What does God do about this? In January 2021, FB disabled Donald Trump's FB account, which was only reinstated in January of this year.

As for the blue badge and the original promises: FB attracted the billions of users by saying that all their friends would see their posts and react to them if they wanted to. That was the essence of the idea and it was a lie from the start. Which can of course be explained by the fact that the server background of such a large network costs a horrible amount every minute. So that Zuckerberg wouldn't go wrong, he limited the resources, so the more people connected to the network, the fewer their friends saw their posts. It is difficult to prove, but the opinion is widely spread here as well that each user only reaches a fraction of his acquaintances - some say that it is no more than 20-30 people out of hundreds.

Moreover, with the introduction of the "blue tick", Zuckerberg himself admitted this. How else could one explain the promise that those who pay will be guaranteed "greater visibility"?!

And the porn people, who won't be willing to pay a tenner a month for "greater visibility", should be satisfied with the fact that they could release all their data to FB (and presumably the CIA) and partly put up with the fact that hardly anyone sees their posts , moreover, if you use politically incorrect words and FB's algorithm detects them, your account can be restricted or deactivated for a week, a month, 90 days or even forever.

And then your visibility will be zero. Because that's what "bad citizens" deserve.

Featured Image: Facebook