We were once again able to welcome an EU parliamentary committee to our country. After the Pegasus fake scandal, no one thought it necessary to invite them here, but they came, they saw, although they did not win. They could not even do this, because national security issues do not fall within the competence of the EU. Secondly, the wiretapping of individuals from a counter-espionage perspective is part of the rule of law in all countries around the world.

The denunciations of the Hungarian opposition parties, as always, are made for the purpose of political gain, and it is no coincidence that their friendly party friends in the EU parliament regard them as dessert. The Pegasus case is another opportunity to use their negative meaning to find a reason to withhold funds belonging to Hungary. The pre-written script with the accepted reporting is part of the play.

The investigative committees of the European Parliament primarily criticize the Polish and Hungarian rule of law, while the house is burning above their heads. The downfall of Eva Kaili's criminal gang was watched for years with the help of her associates or even with a closed eye. We cannot judge their methods as pranks, because they were, along the lines of serious corruption, looking at the citizens of the European Union as stupid. In short, treason could have been realized, since the leadership of authoritarian countries was presented as democratic by order. It is a fact that there is no internal control in the European Union, and no one considers it important to monitor the so-called "night guards". The EU bureaucracy offers the current left-wing majority a table of corruption on a tray. For such representatives, the committee that seeks out the "truth" serves as an excellent cover.

The problem is that there would be plenty to sweep around their own house. It is also not to be neglected that European citizens are using their tax forints as tourists, following false claims. The consequence of their actions is that they attack allied countries in the back, and the political profiteering of their left-wing parties can proceed on a free track, because the parliamentary majority switches the traffic lights to green. Poland and Hungary are victims of double standards and sufferers of "friendly fire". The EU parliamentary bureaucracy wants to eradicate the possibility of national, right-wing and conservative governance in the Union by all means. They are not selective in their means, they may be legal, economic, or offensive to Christian traditions.

The time has come to pour clean water into the glass of the EU's role. The water must be drawn from the well that the majority of the 450 million citizens have judged to be potable and non-poisonous. Gone are the days when European citizens were misled into believing that their initiatives would be put into good hands.

The rusted machinery of the EU needs oiling carefully prepared by citizens. I repeat, for lubrication and not for bribes!

Before the EU elections in 2024, a number of amendments related to electoral rules must be implemented. The CÖF-CÖKA indicates that, as a result of the new regulation, a 27-member civil control committee must be established, taking into account the opinions of European citizens. The members of this committee would be delegated one by one by the parliaments of the 27 member states, representing each country, and they would submit their report to the heads of government of the European Council, like a court of auditors.

The source of the committee's information would be based on the initiatives of the citizens of the member countries, and the legal and economic control of the EU institutional system transparent to the citizens could finally be realized. The system also requires the creation of other new reform rules, the preparation and discussion of which can be found in the parliaments of the sovereign states and then in the European Council. After that, the citizens will have the opportunity to reform the EU institutional system, to cast their votes following a widened and jointly pursued rule of law and real democracy.

Based on the former, it can be seen that there is less and less time available to modify the election system, so they called the people involved.

László Csizmadia

chairman of the CÖF-CÖKA board of trustees