A drag queen disturbed a child in the classroom who doubted that there were 73 different genders.

Sex education has been suspended at an Isle of Man school after a guest drag queen told 11-year-olds about the existence of 73 different genders and was kicked out of the classroom after one of the children questioned her, the Dailymail reports . .

Children at Queen Elizabeth II High School in Peel, Isle of Man, were traumatized by compulsory sex education classes and what was taught during them.

The review, led by the island's government, began after parents raised concerns about the curriculum - particularly the "graphic, disproportionate and indecent portrayal" of sexual acts and gender identity - being taught to their children.

During the educational classes, the children were also "educated" about the details of gender reassignment surgeries and atypical sexual acts, among other things. And the final straw was when a drag queen guest speaker told 11-year-olds that there were 73 different genders, and after one of the young children questioned her claim, she was kicked out of the classroom.

As a result of what happened, the parents, who did not receive any meaningful information in connection with their children's sexual education at school, started a petition addressed to the director of the educational institution, in which they demanded an "immediate investigation" of the classes.

Source: Dailymail

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