While roughly 99,000 people wanted to enter one of the majors last year, this year there were already 126,449 applicants. In addition to medical majors, teacher training programs are becoming more and more popular, but many also applied for technical and IT fields. According to the government, the attractiveness of the higher education training system has increased, M1 News reported.

Apparently, none of the tasks cause a serious headache for the graduates of József Mindszenty High School, who are preparing for the advanced level graduation in biology. They definitely need this subject for further education.

"We invest a lot of energy in preparation, we want to achieve the best possible result at the graduation exam," said one of the students.

Like him, more and more people chose science courses this year - roughly every fifth applicant. Technical and IT majors, as well as medical and health sciences, are popular. For example, at the University of Pécs, which was nominated by almost 27,000 people last year.

"For years, one could say, the most popular majors in undivided training are the medical, dental, and pharmaceutical majors. We see that the issue of teaching majors is also starting to catch up, of course one of the most popular among the split trainings, among the bachelor's programs, is the field of psychology and the humanities," said Attila Lengvárszky, director of education at the University of Pécs.

This is not surprising, as this university is also among the best in the world. The top five percent are preceded by the University of Debrecen, ELTE and Semmelweis University - the latter is 236th on the list.

This year, 27 percent more people applied for higher education than last year.

From the summary of the Office of Education, it can be seen that many people want to become kindergarten teachers, teachers and professors, but many more people applied for special education than last year.

The oldest entrant is 75 years old, he wants to study German studies from the fall.

Several interesting changes can be seen compared to recent years.

"Many people applied, much more than before, from disadvantaged regions, even older people in age groups re-applied, or 'permanently young', as we call them, and we have initiated some changes in the training structure that move the training towards the needs of the economy," said Csák János Minister responsible for culture and innovation.

"Based on the application data, the new admissions system confirms that the number of newly graduated applicants has increased, our applicants have applied to good areas, areas important to the Hungarian economy and society, the proportion of "young people for a long time" has also increased, and in the case of rural areas as well significant progress has been made," said Balázs Hankó, State Secretary for Higher Education.

Eight out of ten students can study with a state scholarship - almost 178,000 students are supported in 33 programs with a total of HUF 72 billion.

Civilians Info: The above data shows that young people's confidence in Hungarian higher education has increased significantly. In light of this, it is also strange that the left-wing hegemony of the European Parliament expressed its concerns in relation to the reorganization of higher education, that until it is the way they want it, they will continue to freeze the funds for Hungary. They do not support Erasmus programs, opportunities to gain experience and study abroad.

They freeze, freeze, freeze.

OK. The government has stepped in, so let it be as you wish. Not having politicians on university boards is both good and bad. It's bad because there will be no direct reporting of the problems to the government, but it's good because this way you can really put less pressure on the autonomy of the institutions. After all, there can be such a democratic balance.  

It's good, but even then we don't heat up the sources, - so Brussels, because it's still not a rule of law enough. And the tedious search for various excuses, the obvious obstruction, begins again.  

In the meantime, the left-wing mantra goes that young people are leaving, that under the Orbán government it is not even worth studying here, that everything is low-quality, counter-selected and the rest. 

And that's mostly what happens in this area, as usual. The government and the majority of the people 'deliver the results'. The dog is barking, the caravan is moving. The trust of the nation is unbroken, even today Fidesz would collect around two-thirds of the vote if there were elections. However, there is war, inflation, Brussels sanctions, withdrawal of money, threats.  

Come on young people! Be proud, critical, free. Become Hungarian university students. Just like now, more and more people!  

Source: hirado.hu

Featured image: MTI/Noémi Bruzák