"Everything that we have perceived so far in terms of meeting the conditions of the rule of law is clearly not enough," stresses Katarina Barley.

The interview given to Klubrádio by Katarina Barley , the vice-president of the European Parliament, is reviewed by Mandiner . 

"What we have always said in the European Parliament, that the Orbán government must be put under financial pressure, seems to be working"

Barley said at the beginning of the conversation. According to him, Viktor Orbán is not interested in power sharing, "in the democratic side getting a role".

"Based on the summary evaluating the fulfillment of the super milestones, I think the point of view emerges quite clearly that everything we have perceived so far regarding the fulfillment of the conditions of the rule of law is clearly not enough. So

after that, I can only express my hope that Orbán can still be kept under pressure

- emphasized the vice president of the EP.

He added:

"to be honest, we knew very well that Orbán would try to hide these obligations with some kind of false, fake measures".

According to the German politician, only joining the European Public Prosecutor's Office could make a difference in the eradication of corruption, because "until then, Orbán will not only deceive people, but also steal from them" .

Orbán transformed this beautiful country in such a way that it is unrecognizable.

It also damaged the media, culture, sciences, and the functioning of civilians," said Barley.

In short, the vice-president of the European Parliament, whose body is under investigation for corruption charges against at least sixty of its officials, is once again worried only about the Hungarian rule of law. The accusations against the Orbán government, which have been repeated to the point of boredom, are still only generalities, and by calling the rule of law measures designated by the European Commission "a kind of fake, pseudo-measures", it kills even the germ of its credibility. There is nothing to be surprised about, today the performance of one of the main institutions of the European Union is unable to rise to a higher level. Counting Qatari money takes up their energy.

Cover image: twitter, pestisracok.hu