In 2022, there were almost ten percent more abortions in Germany than the year before. Abortion is becoming fashionable in more and more countries, as the left-liberal mainstream tries to trivialize the termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

The German statistical office reports about 104,000 reported cases and an increase of 9.9 percent. According to the data, the number of abortions thus exceeded the level of the years between 2014 and 2020, when the number of reported cases was always around 99,000 and 101,000. The last time such a large number of abortions were performed in the country was in 2012, when 106,800 cases were registered. In four percent of the cases, the reason for the abortion was a medical indication - including endangering the life and physical integrity of the mother - and a sexual crime.

The remaining 96 percent of reported abortions were reportedly performed under what is known as an advisory order

– writes .

According to the current laws in Germany, abortion remains unpunished if the pregnancy is terminated by a doctor within twelve weeks of conception, if the pregnant woman requests the abortion, and if the doctor certifies with an accredited seal that she has received counseling at least three days before the doctor's visit.

The social-democratic-green-liberal German federal government has been trying to significantly relax these rules since its establishment, and this is also included in the coalition agreement.

German family policy: don't give birth!

It's no wonder that many people are angry at the federal government's family policy, since the government's establishment, the members of the government have come up with more and more hair-raising ideas, as if they were bidding against each other. Most recently, the head of the family affairs ministry delegated by the Greens blew up the Internet, who demanded that medical students learn about abortion in the first years of university . Negotiations are already underway with the Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach

how to include abortion in undergraduate medical education.

Abortion education is only a fraction of the planned provisions. Back in March of last year, the government passed a bill by liberal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann that would repeal the abortion advertising ban. If the German parliament votes on the proposal, after several decades, they will again be able to freely advertise termination of pregnancy throughout the country and encourage women to have abortions.

Abortion is becoming fashionable in more and more countries, as the left-liberal mainstream tries to trivialize the termination of an unwanted pregnancy. This process has now reached the point where

pro-abortionists literally throw parties when they choose to end their child's life while it is still in the womb.

Filmmaker and publicist Franzis Kabisch - who is queer and feminist at the same time - spoke openly about his experiences in a popular magazine. He believes that the issue of abortion should be presented in a more positive light, because the world has an excessively negative attitude towards it. "Sex and abortion go together," he added. She said that a few years ago she underwent a medical abortion, and on this occasion she organized a pajama party with her girlfriends that lasted several days.

"My abortion was very beautiful. It was sensual and somehow exciting. It's painful, okay, but nothing I can't get over"

Kabisch told the magazine. According to pro-abortionists, however, abortion is hardly more dramatic than a flu. Some even brag that they have abandoned their children several times. A few months ago, a self-proclaimed publicist, Jutta Ditfurth, announced with great joy on her social media page that she had already had three abortions and did not feel bad about any of them.

The church is divided on the issue

Cardinal Gerhard Müller from Regensburg previously gave a longer interview to the program DemoFürAlle regarding this and the new kind of gender madness. The ecclesiastical dignitary expressed a clear criticism of the social changes of the past decades, for example, he spoke at length about the expansion of the LGBTQ movement. He believes that what is advertised in the propaganda is contrary to human nature, and in quite a few countries the politicians assist in this.

"Even in the EU, the politicians of democratic countries allow themselves to simply define reality in a different way and, according to their ideology, they want to forcefully change people's thinking. But regardless, the man remains a man and the woman remains a woman"

said Cardinal Müller, who also added that the way they try to manipulate public opinion by changing concepts reminds him of totalitarian systems such as National Socialism or Stalinism.

Cover image: Illustration / Photo: