The foundation stone of the new building complex maintained by the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service - House of Care - Disabled People's Home was laid on Thursday in Gödö, Pest County.

Anita Herczegh, wife of former President János Áder, goodwill ambassador of the love service, Péter Csizi, deputy state secretary for social affairs, and Csaba Mihály, CEO of the contractor Trend Zrt., also participated in the ceremony.

Imre Kozma, the founding president of the organization, said at the event that the house must be built on stone, not on quicksand, but even the hardest stone is not enough to be a solid foundation for our lives,

Father Imre Kozma: By God's will, we build each and every building of the service of love

The head of the charity service spoke about how their employees also create a home in their hearts for those "whom God has entrusted to them".

"We are all responsible for the further journey of the people living here," declared Imre Kozma.

Bence Tuzson, the district's Fidesz member of parliament, put it this way, "you need a soul to make the walls a home of love".

Home means love, community, togetherness, and this should be given to those who are in a much more difficult situation than us, he added.

"We can be proud of the construction of roads and schools, but we can be proudest of investments that help our fellow human beings in need," said the representative.

He recalled that after they started on the "new path" to replace the large institution in 2017, seven houses were handed over so far, in which a total of eighty people with disabilities found independence.

At the ceremony, one of the residents, Tünde Nagy, who has been living in such a house with twelve people for three years, said: "we go to work in the same way as you, we want to prosper in life in the same way as you, we also plan, and sometimes we are discouraged, but three years ago, the world opened up to us, we can feel that we are full-fledged people who contribute to our small community and society".

Péter H. Giflo, the professional manager of the Kilincs project of the love service, told MTI about the current expansion that the two buildings, specially designed and equipped, will provide a modern home for a total of 48 people with a high need for support, i.e. who are unable to live independently for the time being. , who currently reside in the large Göd institution.

The investment, the cost of which is about HUF two billion, will be realized entirely with state support, he said.

According to the website of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, the Gondviselés Hása - Home for Disabled People in Gödö houses about two hundred disabled people. Their goal is to transform the inherited institution with a large number of employees into a "modern, complex service that takes into account the needs and human dignity of disabled people".

In the past, the charity service bought houses that, after conversion and accessibility, became suitable for providing homes for 8-12 disabled people in Gödö, Veresegyháza, Őrbottyan and Erdőkertes.


Image: MTI