The actor reported a worrying development in the ATV Húzós podcast, where he revealed that his condition had worsened. In addition to five bone metastases, he is battling lymph gland cancer, and he is currently unfit for theater work because he gets tired very quickly.

Blikk wrote .

The actor was a guest of this week's Húzós Rónai with Egonal podcast, and in the program he said that he is finding it increasingly difficult to bear the disease and the treatments.

"I'm not fit for the theater right now. At least not now. I shoot, and I get tired there too, but the shooting keeps my spirit in me, and when there is recording, because then I don't feel anything, but I get tired afterwards. I get tired very quickly, but that's probably from the chemo and I hope that's over now."

Reviczky said on the air.

"I didn't realize that I had such a serious illness. They said I was full of cancer cells, they didn't find a single healthy cell in the biopsy, so everything had to be cut out.

The doctor revealed that it is not a recent thing, but 5-10 years old. And this means that I have had cancer for ten years, but I didn't notice anything, just that my urethra was blocked overnight. This thing blew up, there were no signs of it”

the actor recalled the past.

Gábor Reviczky first emphasized that he did not want chemotherapy, but then the PET CT showed that the problem was bigger than he thought.

"It turned out that there is a five-fold metastasis in the bone, and I also have neck gland cancer. This is already a complication, and it is not the same cancer cell that was in the prostate, but may have continued to develop. And for this reason, of course, I accept chemo, because the most terrible death is death from bone cancer, when the patients die screaming from the pain"

Gábor Reviczky said in the program.


Cover photo: MTI/Csilla Cseke