According to Zsolt Bayer, in England it is dangerous to call the young female students of a girls' school girls, because you can quickly lose your job. The West is so much worse than Central European Communism that there and then people were only fired and dragged away if they engaged in anti-system activities. In the United Kingdom, it is now sufficient to call them "girls". Orwell would not believe his eyes if he were alive.

There is a girls' school in England. An old girls' school with great traditions. It happened the other day that a teacher in this girls' school entered his class at eight o'clock in the morning to give his lesson and immediately greeted his students:

"Good morning, girls!" He was fired from his job the next day. Because, as it turned out, there were two 11-year-old girls in her class, the girls' school, who did not identify as girls, and they felt deeply offended that their headmaster greeted them with "Good morning, girls!" in a girls' school.

If we accept the logical system of the beautiful new world, then the question inevitably arises in one's mind: if once named girls do not identify themselves as girls, then why do they go to a girls' school? Someone explain why they don't transfer to, say, a boys' school! And if they go to a girls' school, how should you say good morning to them? These are painful questions. But I suggest that we, in the rest of the normal part of the world, do not deal with these things! But let's make sure that this never happens to us!

Let's make sure that that world doesn't welcome us here either!

Think about it, we lived in the Soviet bloc for four decades.

And then, in order to say that a person loses his job, his job, his existence, something had to be done within the logical system of the given age. You had to make statements against the system, you had to read forbidden literature, you had to try to defect, so you did something that worked against the system, and then, let's say, you were fired from your job.

Even then, we never thought that the time would come when people would be fired from their jobs for saying "Good morning, girls!" at a girls' school. Orwell is dead, but if he were to rise again, he wouldn't believe it either.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: MTI/Péter Komka