Earlier, the Skeptic Society's list of nominees had already caused heated debates, and on Saturday, the organization announced that the "recognition" will be given this year to the epoch-making figure of Hungarian psychology, the head of department and the winner of numerous scientific awards.

As Mandiner previously wrote: the Skeptic Society led by István Vágó of DK announced the so-called Flat Earth Award for the first time in 2021, which was then awarded to virus skeptic György Gődény. Among this year's nominees, the company included psychologist Emőke Bagdy, an epoch-making figure of Hungarian psychology, head of department, university professor, winner of numerous scientific awards. The argument of the "skeptics" is as follows:

"For his confident and persistent representation of an outdated position on sexual development and gender roles, which has been outdated for several decades, and for his regular gender-denying, homophobic expressions stemming from ideological commitment, which he often garnishes with free-form quantum nonsense."

As for the other candidates, the following was written about the economist László Bogár:

"For layman's analysis in the category of divination, which he presents to a wide public in a guise that makes it appear as if his predictions are well-founded."

The hugely popular psychologist Gábor Máté and the presenter Balázs Sebestyén could not escape their fate either.

This is how Gábor Máté paints it in the eyes of the "skeptics":

"For spreading misconceptions by exaggerating the correlations between mental traumas and cancer as scientific, as well as for regularly and seriously violating the rules of medical ethics."

Presenter Balázs Sebestyén was nominated for the award with the following justification:

"For spreading fake news and conspiracy theories based on hearsay and layman's own revelations, but presented very firmly in public, instead of providing information and entertainment based on facts."

It was decided at the award ceremony held at the Polaris Star Observatory on Saturday, Emőke Bagdy finally "won" this year's Flat Earth Award. Before the announcement, those interested could also listen to an informative presentation about "since when and how do we know that the Earth is not flat".

It was said at the event that their candidates are "not fooled" (but nice of them, ed.), they only want to draw attention to pseudoscientific phenomena.

Civilians Info: I think now is the time to establish the "Sour Grapes" award for all manifestations of envious and failed people trying to create "humorous" social events, without success, of course. Comrades bring people into this bubble who are truly respectable public figures of the country.

For example, this could be written about Vágó:

We are donating the "Sour Grapes Award" to the chemist known as an excellent quiz master, who successfully mixed his popularity with politics, but unfortunately the mixture quickly disintegrated, so he tried the old tried and true Komcsi souring called envy, but unfortunately his ambitions were still put down and he had already used up the phone his help, so he calls Papa Gyurcsány for another party rally in vain.

Well, I hope this award will also be popular, since its rationale is at least as flat as that of the award mentioned in the article. Let's say the handover could also take place in Hocus Spider's lab, where the Hupiké dwarves would laugh and applaud.

Source: Mandarin

Featured Image: Screenshot/Flagmagazine