Mandiner asked János Kádár's fans what they thought of the opposition

The first of May, Labor Day, the big day of the old socialist era, is upon us - the perfect time to be a little curious in the world of the Internet, writes Mandiner.

We didn't have to search much before we found the Facebook group with nearly 43,000 members. And when we saw the title, we knew we had found a goldmine, and we delved into the ins and outs of the "János Kádár circle of friends".

We immediately put the question before the faithful:

Which Hungarian opposition politician is closest to János Kádár? If you had to say someone, who would it be?"

The likes and answers to this question were just flying around, we have collected them now

Some of the answers surprised us, but others were not so shocking, including the fact that, according to most respondents, "no one" can follow in Kádár's footsteps, "there is no such thing". Five people took this position, and these comments also received the most reactions.

It is not a big surprise that among Kádár's successors politicians from the current extreme/leftist parties are overrepresented. So naturally, the name of Gyula Thürmer, the president of the Hungarian Workers' Party, an old communist politician with a motorbike, came up.

There was a commenter who nominated Attila Vajnai, a politician who had an ugly break with the Thürmers. It is known that he was the president of the Hungarian Workers' Party 2006 – European Left who pinned a five-pointed red star on his jacket at a street event two decades ago. Proceedings were initiated against Vajnai after the incident.

According to the commentators, Sándor Székely, ISZOMM politician, and Szilárd Kalmár, current journalist, are closest to the former communist general secretary.

The answers of those who do not look from the extreme left show a little more Kádár nostalgia.

The names of Ferenc Gyurcsány and Klára Dobrev came up, according to two commenters, they are worthy of Kádár's legacy.

Mrs. Klára Dobrev. (…) Nothing better can be found in this country. It has all its features, I won't list them, I have already done it many times. We need him as prime minister!"

one of them wrote.

We saved the most surprising choice for the end, who is none other than László Toroczkai, the president of Mi Hazánk Mozgalom, a former politician from Jobbik. He received the fewest votes, according to the enthusiastic commentator

"For more than 10 years, the .mocsok Fidesz has been putting up garbage, right? They give him a chance."

He hastened to add that

"Kadar Janos is absolutely irreplaceable".

Source: Mandarin

Featured image: MTI