The ex-prime minister, who was able to seize power first with a coup d'état, and secondly by falsifying the budget, and then steered Hungary towards bankruptcy, now writes that we are sliding down because of Orbán.

"'Satan's greatest trick is to make you believe he doesn't exist,'" says a saying supposedly originating from Baudelaire.

Orbán's biggest trick is to make you believe that the cause of Hungary's misery is not his 13-year rule, but someone else. Brussels, Soros, Gyurcsány and we could go on.

But this is not the case. Hungary became the declining country in the region.

With low wages, hyperinflation, closing hospitals, dispensaries, disappearing GP districts, non-saving ambulance services, schools with a shortage of teachers, lagging knowledge, looted teachers, disgraced cultural and scientific life, ending freedom of the press and religion, curtailed workers' rights, hundreds of state investments abandoned at the stroke of a pen , Russian vulnerability, Western isolation.

Satan did not do this. Or if so, that Satan did not hide in the skin of Brussels, Soros or Gyurcsány.

But also?"

Featured image: Dávid Mátrai